We frequently use the word “love”,but we rarely give a thought about it. There are two kinds of Love. One is spiritual and other is material or worldly love. The spiritual love is the “real love” and the material love is the “Kama”(desire). The word “Prem” is used in the spiritual world. It means Divine Love. Both look alike, but the consequences are totally opposite.
Divine love is like the sun and worldly Love is like darkness. The result of “Prem” is unlimited knowledge, Bliss, and Divine abode, and the result of Kamana is bondage to the 3 qualities of Maya, 3 kinds of Karmas and physical ailments, 5 afflictions, 5 sheathes of Maya and wandering in 8.4 million species.
If you love anyone in the world, it may be your mother, father, son, wife, husband, property, money or anything else, it is not called prem.Because the outcome of worldly love is unhappiness, restlessness, discontent, emptiness and bondage.

Suppose someone loves money because money buys everything. So money is most important. There are so many disputes for money between mother, father, son, wife and husband. So much quarreling, fighting, restlessness, divorce and even murders take place because of money. Why? Because, we desire the happiness of the senses and that can only be attained through money. You can buy whatever happiness you want with money. Now think about money.

There is a great deal of hard work involved in making money. If one does not save money, how could he become reach? Someone may have a goal to acquire 10 million dollars. How would that happen? If that person is making $100,000 and saves 20, 25 or 50 thousand dollars a month, then one day it can become 10 million dollars. What must one do to save money? He has to kill his desires.

The mind thinks, “I should buy that car or that mansion, but then my money will finish.” So he becomes sad, as he has to suppress his desires. He does not spend money because he wants to be a millionaire. Although that fool knows that he won’t gain anything after becoming a millionaire.

Ask a millionaire, “Brother, how are you doing? Have you attained more peace and happiness than me? He will say, “Oh sir, what to talk about peace and happiness? I can barely sleep for 2 hours after taking sleeping pills!” Then why should we run after money? If we had thought about it earlier, we would have slowed down. What are such fools that we only know how to run.

Where are we going or what will we attain? We don’t think about it. We have to suffer pain to earn money. Someone must have given lots of money to charity in his previous life and become a millionaire in one day by winning a lottery. Charity is the previous life gives us money in this life. This is not your achievement.

We have seen that in India, some uneducated people are millionaires. These millionaires have very educated employees. Their businesses run with the advice of those people.

So there is pain in earning money. Then if it is earned, what should one do with this money? He has enemies everywhere. When a rich man goes out, he has security cars in front and behind him, and he walks with gunmen on both sides for his protection. What a headache! He cannot go to the market alone. Yes! Now he is scared. He is a millionaire, but if he started a business and by the way, became bankrupt, then he would be miserable.

So there is pain in earning, protecting and losing money. Whatever we have in this world, the same situation exists in the celestial abodes. We suffer many pains due to money. Understand this – we also go through the same pain due to our mother, father, son, wife and husband, which we have gathered. There is tension.

We say “my son has become a hoodlum.” My daughter is not nice. My father does not listen to me or my mother is like that. We got attached to those whom we thought would give us happiness; instead they begin to give us more pain

Hence worldly love gives us only pain instead of happiness. If on some cases it gives us happiness it only satisfies our senses and fulfills our desires which is not the true happiness. The true happiness comes from Divine Love “Prem” which should be aim of our life.