Swamiji discusses the key components of a vegetarian balanced diet. A common complaint with vegetarian diets is the lack of sufficient protein. However, this is not true as there are many excellent vegetarian sources of protein. Did you know that meat eaters have up to 200 times greater risk of cancer compared to vegetarians? Or that fats are not the enemy you thought they were?

Further a proper vegetarian diet facilitates spiritual growth. Ayurveda classifies foods into three types – saatvic (mode of goodness), rajasic (mode of passion), and taamasic (mode of ignorance) – depending on how they influence our nature. Saatvic foods such as grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables are the pure foods that bestow good health, virtue, and happiness. Acidic foods, putrefied foods, and meat fall under rajasic and tamasic categories, causing us to become agitated or depressed. Watch this video to understand how to construct a vegetarian balanced diet for holistic health.

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