Secret of Transformation - Why do we wish to Transform?

The desire to become better is innate to all of us.

Why do we always wish to grow? This is because we are souls - tiny parts of God, who is perfect. Our soul nature drives us to be perfect like God!

According to the Vedic scriptures - God Himself wishes us to be perfect like Him!

Secret of Transformation - Where Does Transformation Lie?

Every year we set new goals for ourselves - external goals.  We constantly look to better some material aspect of our life - wealth(earning more), appearance(losing weight), prestige (winning awards), power(getting promotions), life experiences(travelling more).  We measure our transformation by these external parameters. We become happy when we meet these goals, but soon we become bored of these accomplishments and set our sights on newer goals. While achieving external goals can certainly make us more disciplined - does it truly make us better people? Think about how you feel when someone gets promoted over you. A tinge of jealousy? Are you becoming kinder and humbler and more peaceful every day or are you constantly competing to win an imaginary prize? Is any achievement really worth it, if it does not make you feel good on the inside?

A transformed life is therefore, simply the byproduct of a transformed mind.

Mind Management - #TransformYourLife by the Power of the Mind

The mind is simultaneously a terrible master, and a wonderful slave. Our success in life depends on our level of control - particularly the thoughts we choose to harbor. Someone who has practiced thinking negatively is more cynical about the possibility for transformation in their life and consequently does not feel like setting any aggressive goals to transform themselves. On the other hand, one who practices thinking positively, sees obstacles simply as a means of eliminating weaknesses within themselves to reach perfection.

John Milton said:

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

Mind Management - Power of Knowledge

Let us compare the human body to a chariot. The horses can be compared to the five senses. The reins can be compared to the mind. The charioteer can be compared to the intellect. The passenger can be compared to us - the soul. The five senses constantly drag the mind to desire objects of the senses. The intellect controls whether or not we give in to the desires of our mind. If the intellect possesses the correct knowledge it can successfully control the mind to desire only what is beneficial for the passenger - the soul. A weak intellect possesses incorrect knowledge of what constitutes true transformation, leading to constant dissatisfaction and ultimately confusion about what our true purpose is.

Mind Management - Harness the Mind with the Intellect

When we have the right knowledge in the intellect about who we are and what our purpose in life is, then and only then can we begin the journey of real transformation. The right knowledge will help us to develop the right beliefs about what sort of transformation will truly satisfy us. This in turn will help us to develop the right values and direct our thoughts and actions to effect that transformation.

If we can harness our mind to do our bidding in accordance with the right knowledge, the powerful process of authentic inner transformation begins.

Secret of Transformation - Power of Thoughts!

When we elevate our thoughts and actions in accordance with the correct knowledge, our soul power that has been sleeping within, slowly starts getting awakened.

We start living life driven by our true nature – the soul – rather than an ego driven life full off anger, greed, hatred, envy, and sadness. By learning to become good, we start to feel good and automatically do good. This helps us realize our potential and unfold the divinity within us.

Secret of Transformation - Power of Contemplation!

But is knowledge enough to transform us fully? No. We need to contemplate upon this knowledge daily.

For example, let us say we want to control anger. We know that anger arises when something does not go our way - in other words it arises from attachment to our desires. But in the split second that we become angry, this knowledge will disappear from the intellect and we will not be able to control our anger. Shree Krishna confirms this in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 63

Anger leads to clouding of judgment, which results in bewilderment of the memory. When the memory is bewildered, the intellect gets destroyed; and when the intellect is destroyed, one is ruined.

Therefore if we want our default reaction to be calm and rational, it will require continuous contemplation of this knowledge for it to be cemented into our mind. We also need to measure the effectiveness of our practice by tracking our progress every day.

Here are your action items on Day 1 of this challenge:

Watch the video.

Start a diary to record your goals and progress to facilitate daily contemplation.

Click here to share how you applied this knowledge today and win prizes!

Secret of Transformation - Put it To Practice!

Join the daily FREE BONUS  Life Transformation Challenge PUT IT TO PRACTICE sessions . Internalize the concepts learnt by interacting with like-minded people.

Join the daily ZOOM meeting from a smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer with internet connection -

Time: Jan 1 to Jan 21 at 8 pm CST

Zoom meeting Link:

When we desire something intensely, we will be strongly motivated to think thoughts and perform actions such that we eventually become what we desire. In this way we fashion our future selves. You have the power to change your destiny and today is just Day 1 of that glorious journey. All the best and we will see you again tomorrow!