Samarpan E-Journal Newsletter

Samarpan E-Journal Newsletter

46 posts
Learn to Seek and Grant Forgiveness

Learn to Seek and Grant Forgiveness

From the Editor’s Desk All of us make all kinds of mistakes in our relationship with others because we are under the influence of Maya and subject to mental afflictions like ignorance, attachment, aversion, false pride, and fear. While we conceptually understand and want to learn to seek and...

Finding Your Why-Power

Finding Your Why-Power

From the Editor’s Desk We all aspire to become better versions of ourselves. Your commitment will depend upon finding your why-power to drive you toward the ultimate goal of life. Swami Mukundananda ji has taught us the importance of the why-power and how to tap that inner resource. In...

Letting Go of Fear

Letting Go of Fear

From the Editor’s Desk We all have experienced many different types of fears from childhood to adulthood but letting go of fear is challenging. While some types of fears are healthy and garner us into action, others can be debilitating and paralyze us or deplete our internal resources. Swami...

Dealing with Setbacks

Dealing with Setbacks

From the Editor’s Desk Dealing with setbacks is an integral part and parcel of life which is filled with all kinds of experiences including blissful, agreeable, disagreeable, or intolerable. Although we do not voluntarily choose setbacks, our scriptures teach us that challenging circumstances increase the intensity of our devotion...

Managing Personal Relationships

Managing Personal Relationships

From the Editor’s Desk Could there be a bigger challenge in life than managing personal relationships? We live in a social world where developing and maintaining a harmonious relationship with others is as essential as eating food. Whether personal or professional, it takes an exceedingly long time to nurture...

Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

From the Editor’s Desk Wishing all our readers a very Happy New Year! May 2021 bring a new wave of spiritual energy and inspiration to inch forward toward the ultimate goal. This month we tackle an interesting challenge that many of us experience from time to time. At the...

Focusing During Meditation

Focusing During Meditation

From the Editor’s Desk Filled with inspiration after listening to Swami Mukundananda ji’s lectures or reading his books, this month we discuss a very interesting topic – Focusing During Meditation. You will learn about how to implement the Vedic knowledge (i.e., tatvagyan) to make a difference in your...

Creating Healthy Eating Habits

Creating Healthy Eating Habits

From the Editor’s Desk Welcome to the second issue of Samarpan! This month we focus on a theme that is essential for a healthy body and mind - Creating Healthy Eating Habits. Even though many of us are conscientious about following a healthy lifestyle, there are times in life...

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