Kripalu Wisdom

46 posts
Grace of God Part-1

Grace of God Part-1

There are many forms of grace, but three of them are considered to be of great significance: 1. Attaining a human birth, 2. Having a desire for God-realization, 3. Meeting a true saint. 1. Attaining a human birth The human body is so important that even Indra, the king of...

How to be happy (part-2)

How to be happy (part-2)

If we want something from someone, in what ways can we get that? One way is to grab that person, tie him up and snatch it. Another way is to steal it from him. And another way is to beg him to give it to you. These are three ways....

How to be happy?

How to be happy?

* Difference between Material and Spiritual happiness. * What does Vedas say about being happy? * God is happiness. Every soul of the world desires happiness. But why does he desire happiness? This he doesn’t know. What is happiness? He does not know this too. Where is happiness? How will he get...

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog (Part 3)

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog (Part 3)

Jagadguru Shankaracharya and Bhakti Continuing on the series of Gyan and Bhakti, let us see what the great saints of ancient India had to say about Bhakti and Gyan. Nitya Siddha Mahapurushas, or Eternally liberated Saints descend upon this earth, they preach according to Desh, Kaal and Patra (time, place...

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog (Part 2)

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog (Part 2)

The topic “Gyan vs Bhakti” is one of the most intensely debated topics in Indian philosophy, and followers of Advait vad, Dwait vad, Visisht Advait vad, Vishuddh Advait vad, Dwait Advait vad, Achintya Bhedabhed vad, all hold strong opinions on either sides of the topic. It is difficult to do...

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog

Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog

Gyan Yog is the path of God-realization based on the premise of Advaid vad that the soul itself is God; when it dispels its covering of ignorance and gets seated in knowledge, it will get liberated from the illusion of Maya.  Then it will realize itself to be one with...

Vedic Philosophy

Vedic Philosophy

Indian philosophy is rich with the wisdom of many paths of reaching the absolute truth. We may have read about these different practices and wondered what is the difference between them. There is Advait vad, Dwait vad, Vishisht Advait vad, Dwait Advait vad, Vishuddh Advait vad and Achintya Bhedabhed vad....

The Ideal of Karma Yoga

The Ideal of Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga - Lessons from The Bhagavad Gita The grandest idea in the religion of the Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalized into four, viz. those of work, love, psychology, and knowledge. These divisions are made in accordance...

The Dangers of Asking God for Worldly Things

The Dangers of Asking God for Worldly Things

Translation of Lecture by Shree Maharajji Everyone knows that worldly attainments are transient, and that God is the only reality.  When a death occurs, we say, “Ram Naam Satya Hai (The only reality is the name of God).”  So, when we know that the world cannot give us happiness, then...

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