Kripalu Wisdom

46 posts
Safeguard Your Spiritual Earnings

Safeguard Your Spiritual Earnings

While treading the path of God-realization we should be aware of some things such as not losing the positive karmas/spiritual earnings we have attained on this path.  This requires true knowledge about tolerance and the value of time. Tolerance towards others is critical. If we wish for the world...

God Resides in His Name

God Resides in His Name

According to the Vedic scriptures, the ultimate goal of human life is to attain Shree Krishna. Keeping this goal in mind, the scriptures guide us to focus on different activities as a means to achieve the end which is union with the Supreme Soul, Shree Krishna. Click here to watch...

Dangers of desire

Dangers of desire

Desire is the most dangerous thing and is the greatest impediment in the path of Devotion. In Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, Rupa Goswami instructs, सर्वाभिलषिता शून्यम “Make a firm decision to leave all types of desires and then enter the path of devotion otherwise you...

Just think how lucky you are!

Just think how lucky you are!

Excerpt from the lectures of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj: Just think, we have been graced with this human body, we are born in India and we have the association of a saint who has given us spiritual knowledge. Now consider, how many of the world’s population are blessed with...

What is the most astonishing phenomenon in the world?

What is the most astonishing phenomenon in the world?

Excerpts from the lecture by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj: Once a Yaksh asked Yudhishthir some questions. The most important question was किमाश्चर्यम् the Yaksh asked, “What is the most astonishing phenomenon in the world? Yudhishthir replied: अहन्यहनि भूतानि गच्छन्तीह यमा...

One quality that is dearest to God – Humility

One quality that is dearest to God – Humility

Shree Krishna says in the Gita: समोऽहं सर्वभूतेष्ा न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न पि्रयः ॥ “I have neither friend nor enemy.”  This was said only to fool others.  He does in fact have an enemy, and it is pride.  He has a...

What do we get from the worldly love?

We frequently use the word “love”,but we rarely give a thought about it. There are two kinds of Love. One is spiritual and other is material or worldly love. The spiritual love is the “real love” and the material love is the “Kama”(desire). The word “Prem” is used...

Grace of God Part -3

Grace of God Part -3

There are many forms of grace, but three of them are considered to be of great significance: 1. attaining a human birth, 2. having a desire for God-realization, 3. and meeting a true saint. 3. Meeting a true saint The last grace is beyond both these graces, and is said...

Grace of God Part-2

Grace of God Part-2

There are many forms of grace, but three of them are considered to be of great significance: 1. attaining a human birth, 2. having a desire for God-realization, 3. and meeting a true saint. 2. Having a desire for God-realization The second grace is that we have a desire for...

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