Kripalu Wisdom

46 posts
Vigorous Effort Leads to Success in Devotion

Vigorous Effort Leads to Success in Devotion

Swamiji reveals to us that success is achieved through vigorous effort. He reminds us through a personal story that we need to eliminate laziness from the inside. This is especially true of the spiritual journey which is fraught with many challenges and not immediately fruitful. Apply Vigorous Effort Despite Challenges...

Forgiveness… Beyond Tolerance

Forgiveness… Beyond Tolerance

In our previous blogs, we have discussed the concept of tolerance. It was stated that tolerance starts with kindness, when we don’t perpetuate the negative actions aimed at us. It is one thing to stop the chain of negative actions with us i.e. when we absorb the negative...

Importance of Spiritual Knowledge

Importance of Spiritual Knowledge

The Vedic scriptures inform us that nobody works without a reason. There is a reason for all our actions. All works of every personality—a human, or a God-realized Saint, or God himself—are done with a purpose. Even we people have a purpose. What is the purpose? The main...

Science of Deity Worship

Science of Deity Worship

Traditionally saints and devotees in India have worshipped and revered deities e.g. Meerabai worshipped Giridhar Gopal; Saint Ekanath was a devotee of Rukmini Mittal; Chaitanya Mahaprabhu loved Lord Jagannath; alvars of South India worshipped the deity of Lord Vishnu in his various temples; Jagadguru Ramanujacharya was also into deity...

Who is more important than God?

Who is more important than God?

guru govinda dono khaḍe, kāke lāgū pāya balihārī guru āapane, govinda diyo milāya In this verse, Saint Kabir asks “God and Guru are standing before me. Whom should I first pay my respects to?” And he answers, “I will first pay my respects to the Guru, for he is the...

Why Should We Trust the Scriptures?

Why Should We Trust the Scriptures?

As we embark or progress on the spiritual path, there is a desire to become more knowledgeable about this subject. To learn about a topic, we usually follow any combination of three avenues. First, we try to learn through self-effort by reading and researching the topic ourselves. Second, we ask...

Obstacles to Surrender

Obstacles to Surrender

The topic of surrender has been explained in various scriptures and was most recently covered in our blog titled “What does it mean to Surrender?” The surrender of the Gopis of Braj was such that even Shree Krishna longed for their footdust! How can we get any where close to...

What does it mean to Surrender?

What does it mean to Surrender?

Surrender is a key concept prescribed by all religions. Why? What is so important about it that all religions unanimously discuss it? And how exactly does one surrender? Is it a physical ritual to be done daily or twice a day? Can we do 10% just as we are taught...

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