Swamiji delivered brilliant talks in Princeton University

Swamiji delivered an enlightening and inspiring discourse on ‘Science and Spirituality’ to an eager and attentive audience in the prestigious University of Princeton, NJ.

Here is a note from a participant of the lecture. He writes, “fall 2010 season has just started and students are still settling down in campus after a long summer break. What a wonderful way to begin the session with a discourse like this!

Word spread and so had the eagerness. This Swami – a brilliant student of Science and Technology, renounced a lucrative career, went on to study Spirituality, and now roams around the world talking of God! Is he insane? To those who attended, it was clear that here is man of extra-ordinary abilities, a superior mind and higher intellect.

Just by categorizing knowledge in 2 parts – Material Science and Spiritual Science, he had answered questions of many in the first few minutes of the discourse. What followed was an exceptional analysis and explanation of the objects, methods and goals of each branch of knowledge. He gave live examples of how these branches complement each other – in his typical humorous and educational manner. He concluded by urging all of us to employ the scientific methods of enquiry in the quest for spiritual knowledge.

Audience replied with very thoughtful questions covering a wide range of topics including ‘Why evil exists?’, ‘Differences in Abrahamic vs. Vedic religions’, ‘Techniques of Meditation’ etc.

The event came to end, leaving deep impressions on the minds present to continue the quest for knowledge.”

Note by: Akhilesh K Sinha