A special program was organized at JK University campus in Cuttack, Odisha on the 4th of August, 2013 under the presence of honourable dignitaries from the Odisha Government and officials from JK University. The function was attended in large numbers by devotees, well-wishers, patrons and members of society. The chief guest was the Honourable Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha, Sri Damodar Rout. Sri Prabhat Kumar Tripathy, Chief Whip, MLA Banki was the guest speaker and the MLA of Jayadev, Sri Aravinda Dhali was the guest of honour. Sri S. Ramaratnam, Vice-Chancellor Designate of JK University was the chief dignitary. The guests visited various branches of the University and were highly impressed with the progress. The functioning of Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalay, a 100% free hospital for the poor came in for special notice and appreciation by the Health Minister, Govt. of Odisha. The team also appreciated the newly inaugurated Naturopathy Hospital in the campus by visiting all the treatment rooms and surveying the equipment installed. The highlight of the day’s schedule was the release of the bimonthly magazine, ‘Serve Santu Nirmaya’ published by the Dept. of Naturopathy, JK University. It is a matter of great pride for the Dept. of Naturopathy, which will oversee all aspects of this magazine created to educate the masses about various aspects of Yoga and Naturopathy treatments, diet recommendations, cure for specific ailments and diseases and related information. Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalay, an integral part of JK University, conducted a free medical camp for villagers. Specialist doctors, nurses and dietary specialists provided free advise and treatment to over 400 villagers who visited the health camp. Medicines were also distributed free of cost to all the patients who required medical aid. A herbal plantation covering over 3 acres of land will be developed at the University site for the sole purpose of treatment in Naturopathy. The special herbs and plants will be nurtured as per the strigent standards and requirements laid down by the Govt. bodies, regulatory institutions and expert panel recommendations in order to provide the best quality medicines for the Naturopathy Hospital. To commemorate this special day, a symbolic plantation program was also organized by the Dept. of Naturopathy and the Minister of Health and Family Welfare gracious accepted to plant the first herb in our campus. Uunder the guidance of Shree Swami Mukundananda, JK University continues to lend its helping hand to the society by providing quality treatment in Allopathy and Naturopathy completely free of cost.
A special program was organized at JK University campus in Cuttack, Odisha