The Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered scriptures in Indian philosophy, reveals the profound truths of life and devotion. Among its many divine promises, one stands out is the assurance that Shree Krishna protects those who engage in sincere devotion to Him. Swami Mukundananda, through his enlightening discourse, unpacks the depth and relevance of this divine pledge for us in our daily lives.
The Divine Assurance of “yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham”
In Chapter 9, Verse 22 of the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shree Krishna mentioned, “yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham.” Here, Shree Krishna assured us that he will do two things if one engages in ananya chintan (exclusive devotion). The first is “yog” and the second is “kṣhem.” Yog means he will provide what spiritual treasures we don’t have. These treasures include divine knowledge, detachment, faith, love, or devotion. Kṣhem means he will protect what spiritual treasures we managed to accumulate. This verse assure that for those who wholeheartedly surrender to God and immerse themselves in exclusive devotion, he personally takes care of their spiritual needs.
Swamiji drew a contrast between Shree Krishna's divine assurance and worldly insurance. Unlike material insurance, which compensates posthumously, Shree Krishna’s promise offers proactive and continuous support throughout the devotee’s spiritual journey.
Helping gesture of worldly people
Like Shree Krishna’s protection, people in the world are also inclined to help each other. People often extend a helping hand, even to strangers, and when it comes to blood relations, their willingness to help becomes even stronger. Swamiji provided beautiful examples to describe this common human gesture.

In a hospital story, an elderly man on his deathbed was calling out for his son. A passing soldier entered the room, sat by the man’s side, and held his hand until he passed away. Later, it was revealed that the soldier was a stranger, but he chose to comfort the man in his final moments. This anecdote underscores how even in the world, people are always ready to extend their help and protection.

In another story, one poor father, handed over a locket to his daughter when he was passing away. She kept it as her precious treasure as she was asked to use this locket in case of real trouble. When the time changed, she got married and her economic condition improved. One day, out of curiosity, she took it to the jeweler and asked to open the box. It was tightly sealed so the Jeweler had to use a hammer to smash it and it got shattered. He looked at the round thing inside and said, lady “This is only broken glass. Your father has given you glass.” The lady replied "Absolutely not! He didn't give me a glass but he gave me the most precious thing in the world which was hope." Swamiji explains that this is what a worldly father does to protect his children. Whereas, our eternal father, God, is much more compassionate and loving towards us and he is always ready to protect his devotees.

In another humorous story, Swamiji mentioned a devout woman who prayed for groceries during difficult times. Her atheist neighbor overheard and placed groceries at her doorstep, hoping to mock her faith. However, she responded with gratitude, believing Shree Krishna had answered her prayers through the neighbor’s actions. When the neighbor tried to take credit for providing the groceries and denied the existence of God, she said to God, 'You arranged for the groceries and even made the devil pay for them. This is an amusing story, but it beautifully portrays the divine protection of Shree Krishna in unimaginable ways.
These stories illustrate that Shree Krishna often works through seemingly ordinary means, orchestrating events in ways that demonstrate his love and care for his devotees. Unlike the help from worldly people, which is finite, Shree Krishna’s yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham principle (protection) is infinite in extent for his devotees.
Ananya Chintan: Exclusive Devotion

Swamiji highlighted the importance of ananya chintan, or exclusive devotion. Shree Krishna’s protection is not offered indiscriminately; it is reserved for those who immerse themselves entirely in his worship, free from worldly distractions. Swamiji explained that divided attention, i.e., loving God a little and the world a little, dilutes the purity of devotion, much like cleaning cloth with soap on one side while dirtying it on the other side.
Exclusive devotion purifies the mind and heart, paving the way for Shree Krishna’s divine intervention. This purity of purpose transforms devotion into a powerful force that attracts divine grace.
Demonstrating Faith: A Story of Ganga Bathers

Swamiji narrated an illuminating episode involving Lord Shiv and Mother Parvati. Disguised as an old couple, they tested the faith of pilgrims bathing in the holy Ganges. Lord Shiv, by his Yogamaya Shakti, created a ditch of punk or wet mud. Then he fell into it, disguised as an old man. When Mother Parvati declared that only a sinless person can rescue her husband from the ditch, the pilgrims despite having had their ritual bath to wash off their sins, hesitated to help, revealing their lack of faith in the purifying power of the Ganges.
Finally, a young lad, convinced of his [pure] intent to save the old man, stepped forward and saved Lord Shiv. This story underscores that faith is not just a theoretical concept but a lived reality that empowers action. It serves as a reminder that true faith manifests in courage and conviction, transcending superficial rituals.
Shree Krishna’s Personal Involvement in Protecting his Devotees

Swamiji shared the touching story of Jagannath Mishra, a scholar who doubted the literal meaning of “yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham.” Jagannath Mishra, a devout scholar, was interpreting the Bhagavad Gita and stumbled upon Verse 22 of Chapter 9. As per the verse, Shree Krishna personally takes care of those devotees who are engaged in Exclusive Devotion. This created a doubt in Mishra’s mind. Consequently, he modified the verse, replacing the word "vahāmyaham" (I personally carry) with "dadāmyaham" (I make arrangements).
One day, as Mishra went to bathe in the river, his wife lamented over the lack of food at home. Suddenly, a young boy appeared at their doorstep carrying heavy sacks of provisions. The boy’s face was bruised, and he seemed exhausted. When Mishra’s wife opened the door and asked about his identity. He replied, “Jagannath Mishra has sent all these rations for you.” When she inquired about the bruises, the boy replied, “Your husband got annoyed and hit me many times.” She was outraged and awaited her husband’s return to scold him.
Upon returning, Mishra was astonished by his wife’s fury and the tale of the bruised boy. Realizing something divine had occurred, Mishra asked for a description of the boy. Hearing that the boy was blue-skinned, Mishra fell to his knees, overwhelmed. He realized Shree Krishna Himself had come, bearing the weight of the provisions, to prove the truth of the original verse: “yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham.” And, Shree Krishna’s bruises were a reminder of Mishra’s need to correct his incorrect interpretation of the verse.
This divine pastime underscores the sincerity of Shree Krishna’s promise and his readiness to personally care for His devotees. It emphasizes that Shree Krishna’s assurance is not a delegation of duties but a personal commitment.
Overcoming Fear Through Surrender
One of the hallmarks of surrender is the absence of fear. Swamiji explained that true surrender involves complete trust in Shree Krishna’s protection. This trust eradicates anxiety and fear, replacing them with a sense of peace and security.
To surrender means to recognize that Shree Krishna is the supreme controller of all situations. When devotees genuinely accept this truth, they realize that there is no need to fear the uncertainties of life. Fear often arises from attachment and the false belief that we are in control. Surrender, therefore, is not an act of weakness but a profound acknowledgment of Shree Krishna’s infinite power and care.
Furthermore, surrender is accompanied by a sense of inner freedom. Without fear, devotees can dedicate their full energy to spiritual growth and service. This freedom allows the mind to remain calm, even in challenging circumstances, as the devotee trusts that Shree Krishna’s plan is always for their highest good.
To cultivate such surrender, regular practices of remembrance and devotion are essential. Chanting Shree Krishna’s name, meditating on His form, and immersing oneself in His teachings are powerful tools to strengthen this bond of trust. Over time, the heart becomes filled with unwavering faith, and fear naturally dissipates.
Practical Steps to Engage in Exclusive Devotion
Swamiji provides actionable insights to deepen one’s devotion and attract Shree Krishna’s grace:
1. Daily Practice of Bhakti: Devote at least 1 hour each day to spiritual practices such as chanting, meditation, and scripture reading.
2. Faith in Divine Providence: Trust that Shree Krishna knows what is best for you and will provide accordingly.
3. Purify Intentions: Focus on loving Shree Krishna selflessly, without expecting material rewards.
4. Satsang (Holy Association): Surround yourself with divine personalities and spiritually inclined individuals who inspire and support your devotion.
5. Regular Self-Reflection: Assess your level of faith and devotion continuously and strive to eliminate distractions and doubts.
Call to Action
Swamiji's teachings have been a beacon of hope and guidance for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with Shree Krishna. By understanding and embracing Shree Krishna’s promise of “yoga-kṣhemaṁ vahāmyaham”, we can navigate life’s challenges with faith and confidence.
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