Understanding Ananya Bhakti
From the Editor’s Desk
Ananya Bhakti, or exclusive devotion to God, is the highest form of divine love, where a devotee surrenders wholeheartedly, seeking nothing but the Lord’s pleasure. Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj and Swami Mukundananda ji have extensively elaborated on this path, highlighting its characteristics—unwavering faith, selfless love, and absolute surrender. Scriptures and examples of the lives of Saints illustrate how God becomes bound by the love of His devotees (i.e., He is Bhakt-Vashya).
In this issue of JKYog’s E-Journal Samarpan, we draw upon the Vedic knowledge (i.e., tattva jnana) taught by Swami Mukundananda ji, the personification and object of exclusive devotion. We attempt to explore the meaning, significance, and practical ways to cultivate Ananya Bhakti in the hope that focusing on this divine principle will attract divine grace.
Vedic Wisdom & Application
Challenge of the Month: Understanding Ananya Bhakti
Reflection Questions
- What is Ananya Bhakti?
- Why Should We Practice Ananya Bhakti?
- What are the Manifestations of Ananya Bhakti?
- How to Cultivate Ananya Bhakti?
All spiritual aspirants start their sacred journey with Sadhan Bhakti, the preparatory stage of devotion, which teaches material souls to attach the mind to God. When seekers reach the point where they can think of nothing or no one but God (i.e., Ananya) and are devoted to Him through selfless love (i.e., Nishkam) continuously (i.e., Nirantar), then the Guru graces such souls with Siddha Bhakti, the pure devotion and love to attain God.
While this journey touches the soul in inexplicable ways through the infinite graces of the Guru, practicing Ananya Bhakti is extremely difficult in this material world unless one implements the divine teachings with unquestionable faith and habitual self-awareness. Thus, it is imperative to understand the meaning of this elusive concept, its manifestations, and ways to practice it.
What is Ananya Bhakti?
Ananya means “exclusive” or “undivided,” and Bhakti refers to devotion. Ananya Bhakti, therefore, signifies unwavering and exclusive devotion to God without any distractions or conditions. It is the highest form of surrender, where the devotee depends solely on God/Guru for support, unquestionably accepts all kinds of circumstances in life as Divine grace, and seeks nothing but His loving service for His happiness.
Ananya Bhakti does not mean worship and devotion to just one form of God but anything in His/Her divine realm (see details below). It includes God’s infinite names, forms, leelas or pastimes, virtues, abode, and associates, including the Guru and other devotees. Whether a devotee reflects on the compassion that Swami Haridas showed for his oppressors by pleading with Chaitaniya Mahaprabhu to not slay them in anger or relishes the mischievous acts of Shree Krishna toward the Gopis, the divine realm is filled with pure and selfless intent. This makes the divine realm vast and interesting for the material mind.
The mind is what needs to attach to the divine realm. Thus, the object of attachment must be pure and beyond the material modes that sully it. If the mind contemplates anything in the material world (e.g., concerns at work, family issues, likes, dislikes, desire for fame, fortune, etc.), it will remain colored by the lens of the three modes or gunas, i.e., tamas, rajas, and sattva. As a famous doha or couplet by Saint Kabirdas says:
“प्रेम गली अति संकरी, तामें दाऊ न समाई |
जब में था तब हरी नहीं, अब हरी है में नाहीं ||
Prem gali ati sankari, tamein dou na samai
Jab mein tha tab hari nahi, ab hari hai mein naahi
The lane of divine love is very narrow where two opposite entities cannot exist (i.e., the world and God cannot co-exist in the heart). When I (the ego) stayed in that lane, Hari (God) did not exist; now I keep God, so “I” do not exist.
Principles of Ananya Bhakti:
- Object of Attachment. An important principle of Ananya Bhakti is that when the mind attaches itself to anything worldly, either in love or aversion, it falls in the impure material realm and will not constitute exclusive devotion. However, if the mind is attached to anything in the divine realm, even in aversion, it will be purified because the object of attachment is all-pure. For example, knowing that He would be slain by Shree Krishna, Kans was obsessed with Him, albeit in aversion, but this attachment constituted exclusivity. He could think of nothing other than Shree Krishna, feeling His presence everywhere and in everything.
- Single Ishtdev or Supreme Entity. An equally important principle of Ananyata or exclusivity is to focus on one Ishtdev. Even though there are many divine personalities worshipped as Ishtdev (e.g., Radha Krishna, Lord Shiv, Mother Durga, Ganesh ji, various forms of Lord Vishnu, Hanuman ji, etc.), for the mind to be single-minded in devotional intensity, it is necessary to focus on any one Ishtdev. Swamiji beautifully explains this principle as being similar to watering the roots of a tree instead of individual leaves and branches. By worshiping the one Supreme entity, we will develop divine love and love all creation in its relationship with God.
Additionally, single-minded devotion is possible only when the form of God is easy to relish. While worshippers of Lord Shiv or Mother Durga can be exclusively devoted to them, the basis of attachment should be love, not fear. Therefore, the sweetness of the personal form and the leelas are important in that they provide scope for blissful experiences. It is easier for the mind to attach itself to the sweet pranks of Shree Krishna than meditating on Lord Shiv opening His third eye to destroy an enemy or Mother Durga slaying a demon in her opulent and all-fiery form.
- Outcome of the Mind’s Attachment. Our scriptures suggest that one attains that to which the mind is attached. We must select the object of attachment based on the outcome for which we aspire. Aspiration for Golok means that we must engage in Ananya Bhakti of Shree Radha Krishna or Their eternal associates. If we attach the mind to the celestial gods, other human beings, or ghosts and spirits, the outcome of the soul will be in accordance with their desire.
- Challenges as Divine Grace. Another important principle of Ananya Bhakti is to perceive challenges in life as divine grace. If we lament over past miseries or difficulties, the mind’s attachment to hardship and related grudges will pull the mind away from God to one’s miserable state. This defies the principle of exclusive devotion. If we believe that challenges are presented by God to enable us to grow spiritually, we will accept them as blessings instead of resenting God’s actions. For example, when Saint Narsi Mehta lost his house and family members in a fire accident, he accepted this as God’s wish, saying that he would now use his time only for the devotion of God.
- Divine Realm vs. Celestial Gods. The last principle is to distinguish between the divine personalities and the celestial gods. Many worship the celestial gods for material gains. The celestial gods are not divine personalities. While they are endowed with immense powers and attributes compared to humans, they still fall in the material realm. Thus, worshipping them, especially for material gains, does not constitute Ananya Bhakti. For example, a farmer prays to Indra for rain to save his crops and his family from famine. Such devotion does not attract divine grace.
Why Should We Practice Ananya Bhakti?
There are many reasons to practice Ananya Bhakti. God/Guru is eager to confer His priceless treasures upon the souls as a consequence of exclusive devotion. These are beautifully explained in the Bhagavad Gita.
- Safeguard Spiritual Assets. Just as a worldly mother provides the ultimate care for her helpless and dependent newborn baby, so does God/Guru to surrendered souls. He takes complete responsibility by preserving their existing spiritual assets and equipping them with what they lack. Lord Shree Krishna promised Arjun the absolute truth of the outcome of Ananya Bhakti:
अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जना: पर्युपासते |
तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् || 22||
ananyash chintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate
tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamyaham
There are those who always think of Me and engage in exclusive devotion to Me. To them, whose minds are always absorbed in Me, I provide what they lack and preserve what they already possess. [BG 9.22]
When we rely on material crutches for support, the condition for Ananyata is shattered. In such cases, God applies the Law of Karma as opposed to the Law of Grace to confer the fruits of our actions.
- Attain Divine Love. The ultimate goal of Ananya Bhakti is for the soul to attain divine love and eternal service of God. By purifying the vessel of the heart through loving unalloyed devotion and giving up false pride of doership, souls attract divine grace that eternally connects them to God/Guru. Shree Krishna explains this to Arjun:
मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु |
मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायण: || 34||
man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
mam evaishyasi yuktvaivam atmanam mat-parayanah
Always think of Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and offer obeisance to Me. Having dedicated your mind and body to Me, you will certainly come to Me. [BG 9.34]
- Break the Cycle of Life and Death. We have been rotating in this endless cycle of life and death because we take this human form for granted and do not realize its value. Swamiji beautifully explains that our primary duty is to purify the mind by developing a deep love for our eternal parents – God/Guru. We are spiritual beings in a perishable body. We must do our worldly duties with detachment and use no other crutch in the practice of Ananya Bhakti – wealth, social status, support system, etc.
There is incredible hope in realizing that even if we do not accomplish our spiritual goal in this life, God considers our intention, preserves our spiritual assets, graces us with a human birth, and enables us to continue the journey from where we leave upon death (of the body). By detaching from all worldly dharma or duties and focusing exclusively on the spiritual dharma, one can be enabled to break through the cycle of life and death. Shree Krishna explains to Arjun:
सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज |
अहं त्वां सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: || 66||
sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam sharanam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo mokshayishyami ma shuchah
Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear. [BG 18.66]
This verse encapsulates the essence of Ananya Bhakti – engage in Karmyog with complete surrender to the Divine with no expectations for reciprocation from God.
- Enslave God Through Devotion. God, the Almighty creator and controller of infinite universes, is Bhakt-Vashya and willingly becomes bound by the pure and selfless love of His surrendered devotees. In other words, God, who controls everything, is controlled by loving devotion. Shree Krishna has declared in the Bhagavatam that He does not reside in Vaikunth or the hearts of yogis but in the hearts of His loving devotees. Ananya Bhakti, coupled with selfless and constant remembrance, has the power to enslave even God/Guru.
For example, on one occasion, Shree Krishna disguised Himself to pay Saint Narsi Mehta’s debts, ensuring his devotee was never dishonored. Such repeated acts of divine grace illustrate how God becomes enslaved by the love of His true devotees. The Lord repeatedly performed such acts for Narsi Mehta out of divine grace and loving compassion.
What are the Manifestations of Ananya Bhakti?
- Exclusivity in Devotion. A devotee practicing Ananya Bhakti worships only one Supreme Lord with absolute faith and love, never seeking solace or refuge in any other deity, material possessions, or worldly relationships. For example, Saint Meerabai exemplified this trait by remaining steadfast in her devotion, refusing to worship any other deity or engage in worldly entanglements despite opposition from her royal family.
- Selfless Love for God. Unlike other forms of devotion that may be motivated by the desire for wealth, health, or liberation, Ananya Bhakti is entirely selfless. True bhakti means loving God not for personal gain but for His pleasure alone. For example, Hanuman ji only desires to serve Lord Shree Ram without expecting anything in return. He prides Himself as the Lord's servant.
- Unwavering Faith and Surrender. Exclusive devotion is about unshakable trust in God/Guru’s divine will. Even in difficulties, devotees do not waver in their faith. For example, Prahlad remained devoted to Lord Vishnu despite severe hardships inflicted by his father, Hiranyakashipu. Similarly, when Draupadi was humiliated in the Kaurava court, she completely surrendered to Shree Krishna after her faith in worldly supports collapsed. She called upon Shree Krishna with full faith as the source of her only support. Her exclusive reliance on Him led to divine intervention, saving her from disgrace.
- Constant Remembrance and Meditation. Swamiji teaches us that an Ananya devotee constantly meditates upon God, engaging in Roop Dhyan and chanting His names with heartfelt devotion. This ceaseless remembrance deepens the bond with the Divine. For example, Sudama, the childhood friend of Shree Krishna, lived in abject poverty but never forgot Him. His heart was always absorbed in remembrance of Shree Krishna, and his unwavering devotion was eventually rewarded with divine grace.
- Renunciation of Material Desires. An Ananya devotee renounces all material desires even while living in opulence, realizing that true fulfillment lies only in divine love. Such a devotee remains detached from worldly pleasures, seeking only the bliss of selflessly serving God/Guru. For example, the Gopis of Vrindavan were totally detached from material possessions, societal norms, and even family ties. They were exclusively dedicated to Shree Krishna's loving service. Their bhakti and renunciation were unparalleled.
How to Cultivate Ananya Bhakti?
Ananya Bhakti is the highest expression of love for God, characterized by undivided faith, selfless devotion, and absolute surrender. Saints and scriptures glorify this path as the ultimate means to experience divine bliss and union with the Supreme. The answer to the question of how to cultivate Ananya Bhakti can be obtained from inspirational stories from the lives of Saints. Let us savor a glimpse of the beautiful life of Shree Krishna's devotee, Saint Soordas.
Born blind, Soordas ji faced a challenging start to life, with the potential for deep despair. However, instead of succumbing to his disability, he turned his heart entirely toward Shree Krishna. His devotion was so intense that he saw Shree Krishna not as a distant deity but as a constant, living presence in his life. Through his deep love, Soordas ji found a way to transcend his physical limitations, believing that Shree Krishna's love was all-encompassing and could illuminate the darkness of his blindness.
Soordas ji perceived Shree Krishna with his heart, his devotion making him more attuned to the divine presence than those with physical sight. His spiritual vision enabled him to compose beautiful devotional bhajans that expressed his deep love for Shree Krishna. He never viewed his blindness as a curse or a limitation. Instead, he accepted it as a divine gift, believing that his condition allowed him to focus exclusively on Shree Krishna, free from the distractions that physical sight might have brought. His devotion was so intense that he regarded every aspect of his life, including his blindness, as part of God's plan, a means to deepen his connection with the divine.
One of the core tenets of Soordas jis’ teachings was the idea of complete surrender to God. He devoted his life to singing the praises of Lord Shree Krishna, abandoning his ego and personal desires in favor of complete submission to God's will. He believed that Shree Krishna's love was unconditional and that devotion to him was the highest purpose of life.
Relish these two sweet short stories from the life of Saint Soordas, beautifully narrated by Swamiji. The first story reveals how Soordas ji perceived the leelas of Shree Krishna in the mind's eye. The second story reveals how Soordas was empowered by God to describe Shree Krishna's divine beauty, especially His ornaments.
As Swamiji says, "Where there is exclusive devotion, there is divine grace in abundance." By cultivating this supreme love, we can transform our lives and experience the eternal joy of serving the Divine.
Gems of Wisdom from Swamiji
Here are a few YouTube video titles with related links and books where Swamiji has described the beautiful concept of ananya bhakti.
- The Power of Single-Minded Focus on Shree Krishna - 3 Keys to Attain God Faster | Swami Mukundananda
- Worship God NOT His Servants - Shree Krishna's Warning from Govardhan Leela | Swami Mukundananda
- Power of Focusing your Mind Only on God | Swami Mukundananda
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Nourish Your Soul: Inspirations from and Lives of Great Saints. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism: Essence of the Vedic Scriptures. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.
- Mukundananda, S. (2022). Bhagavad Gita – The Song of God, Westland Publications: Chennai, India.
Hold Your Breath! Check out Upcoming Events
We are very excited to announce that Swamiji’s 2025 US tour will soon begin!
There are innumerable opportunities to connect with Swamiji through the very special Life Transformation Programs and Spiritual Retreats in different US cities. Details for each of these will be shared in next month's issue.
For now, “Save the Dates” and take advantage of the Early Bird Discount for Retreat Registrations
JKYog Transforming Communities
Here, we share evidence of amazing activities or news about the programs and initiatives of JKYog and its various US centers.
Today, we share the primary purpose of JKYog Blogs and how readers can benefit from these valuable tools for knowledge and devotion.
JKYog Blogs are designed to disseminate knowledge on a variety of subjects. It aims to (a) fill the intellect and hearts with the divine knowledge of the scriptures taught by Swamiji; (b) narrate beautiful stories on Saints and the Leelas or pastimes of God; (c) share practical strategies for the application of divine knowledge; and (d) provide information on the significance of festivals to highlight our rich cultural heritage.
Readers can access any of the above for inspiration to transform their lives.
JKYog’s Bhagavad Gita Krishna Bhakti App
In this feature, we share little stories to illustrate the concept and application of tattva jnana embedded in the various verses of this great treasure for mankind in Kaliyug.
Shivaji Maharaj’s Faithful Surrender: The Secret to Divine Protection
In the Bhagavad Gita (Verse 9.22, see details in a previous section), Lord Krishna proclaims: “To those who are devoted to Me with exclusive surrender, I provide for their needs and protect them.” This eternal truth shone brilliantly in the life of Shivaji Maharaj. On an Ekadashi night, disguised in plain clothes, he immersed himself in Saint Tukaram’s kirtan, unaware that danger lurked nearby. A Mughal commander, learning of his whereabouts, sent two thousand soldiers to capture or kill him. Shivaji’s spies urged him to flee, but he sought his Guru, Tukaram’s counsel. The saint instructed him to stay. Trusting in divine will, Shivaji obeyed.
Miraculously, though the Mughal army reached the gathering, they failed to recognize him among the devotees. Just then, they saw a rider—identical to Shivaji—galloping away. Assuming him to be their target, they pursued him, only for the figure to vanish into thin air. The truth soon emerged: Bhagavan Panduranga Himself had come in Shivaji’s form to mislead the soldiers and protect the Satsang.
A famous Bengali saying goes: Rākhe Krishna māre ke, māre Krishna rākhe ke. In essence, it implies that when God decides to protect one, then who can harm him? Similarly, if the Lord decides one’s time on earth is over, then no doctor or medicine can save one. In the face of the Divine’s will, even the mightiest force and most powerful weapons are rendered useless.
Experience this divine principle firsthand—join the Bhagavad Gita Challenge on the Bhagavad Gita Krishna Bhakti App and cultivate exclusive surrender to attract God's highest grace!
If you have not already downloaded the app, do it now via http://jkyog.org/app!