From the Editor’s Desk
All of Hanuman ji’s divine qualities and character strengths have been beautifully described by saints in various scriptures, mantras, devotional hymns, and commentaries. As material souls, we can learn innumerable life lessons from Hanuman ji. His character strengths and virtuous qualities are definitely inspiring to devotees of all ages as they aspire to be profitable servants of God.
Learning these life lessons is the focus of this issue of Samarpan where we review the tatvagyan or Vedic knowledge taught by Swami Mukundananda, and draw inspiration from his teachings by presenting tools for the application of the divine knowledge.

Vedic Wisdom & Application
Challenge of the Month
Life Lessons from Hanuman
Reflection Questions
- How did Hanuman ji Acquire Divine Qualities?
- What Life Lessons Can We Learn from Hanuman ji?
- How can we Apply these Life Lessons to Enhance Spiritual Growth?
Whenever people think of Hanuman ji, they visualize a personality who is totally selfless in his devotion to Lord Ram. He displays superhuman physical strength, is courageous beyond words, and uses his sharp intellect to outwit his opponents. However, he is also very humble, simple-hearted, steadfast, and a proud servant of Lord Ram. Many saints have described Hanuman ji as a divine personality whose life and leelas exemplify what it means to be a true and profitable servant of God. Many scriptures that teach the tatvagyan on attachment to the divine realm alone, mention Hanuman ji’s mindset toward all living beings. In his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, Swamiji says:
Enlightened Saints see the world as the energy of God, and utilize whatever comes their way in the service of God. They also see all human beings as parts of God and harbor a divine attitude toward everyone. Thus, Hanuman says:
sīyā rāmamaya saba jaga jānī, karauñ pranāma jori juga pānī (Ramayan)[v34]
“I see the forms of Lord Ram and Mother Sita in everyone, and so I fold my hands and offer my respects to all.” (BG 4.35)
While most people are familiar with Hanuman ji's devotion and heroism that contributed to Lord Ram’s victory against Ravan in the epic battle of Lanka, one of his childhood leelas beautifully illustrates how he acquired such divine traits and qualities. Various Vedic scriptures chronicle how Hanuman ji, the highest Rudra of Lord Shiv, possessed numerous shaktis even as a child.
How did Hanuman ji Acquire Divine Qualities?
One morning, when little Hanuman ji was very hungry and could not find his mother, or anything to eat, he stepped out of his house in a state of mild distress. He noticed the beautiful, red-colored sun rising gloriously in the morning sky. Thinking it to be a delicious fruit, Hanuman ji tried to grab it repeatedly. The celestial god Indra, experiencing concern about Devlok, hurled his Vajra (the name of Indra's weapon) at Hanuman ji, striking him on the jaw and knocking him unconscious. When Vayu devata (i.e., celestial god) noticed this unwarranted attack on his son, he withdrew all the air from the earth, making life excruciatingly painful for all living creatures. All the celestial gods begged Vayudev for forgiveness. When Lord Shiv came and resuscitated him, in an expression of regret, Indra gave Hanuman ji a boon that his body would be stronger than his own Vajra. Similarly, other devatas also conferred boons where Hanuman ji became invincible from harm caused by fire, water, air, or any element of nature, as well as all kinds of weapons. He was also endowed with the ability to change his form at will, travel anywhere at any time, enjoy good health, and above all, become immortal. This is why Hanuman ji is referred to as chiranjeevi.
When little Hanuman ji realized the impact of his immense shaktis, he innocently started playing pranks on others for self-enjoyment. On one ill-fated day, he disturbed a sage who was deep in meditation. When his samadhi broke, the sage cursed Hanuman ji with a loss of all his supernatural powers until the time when a well-meaning person would remind him of his shaktis for a noble cause. Thus, when Hanuman ji was about to embark on the journey to find Mother Sita in Lanka, Jambavant reminded him of his latent shaktis, all of which were utilized in his devotional service to Lord Ram.
What Life Lessons Can We Learn from Hanuman ji?
All of Hanuman ji’s divine qualities and character strengths have been beautifully described by saints in various scriptures, mantras, devotional hymns, and commentaries. While Rishi Valmiki wrote the original Ramayan in Sanskrit, the epic was popularized through the Hindi version, "Ramcharitmanas" written by Goswami Tulsidas. These scriptures illustrate the virtues and unique characteristics of Hanuman ji’s unparalleled execution of sevas for Lord Ram. Additionally, Tulsidas ji’s Hanuman Chalisa also expounds on his divine qualities and virtues.
As material souls, we can learn innumerable life lessons from Hanuman ji’s character strengths. While it would be beyond the scope of this issue to illustrate each and every divine quality, we present some of the most inspirational traits that are chronicled in the Sundarkand – the only segment of Ramcharitmanas where Hanuman ji is the hero! Some of these traits are presented within the context of heart-warming leelas that exemplify his character strengths and divine qualities.
Unflinching Devotion to Lord Ram
Hanuman ji is known for his exclusive, constant and selfless devotion to Lord Ram. If there was anything he was proud of, it was being a profitable servant of God. Every action of Hanuman ji reflects how his conscious and subconscious mind is attached to Lord Ram. In fact, all his thoughts and actions are exclusively associated with the Lord.
For example, when the vaanar-sena (i.e., army of monkeys) was throwing boulders in the ocean to build a bridge to Lanka, they realized that the boulders were not connecting with each other and floating all over the surface of the water. Hanuman ji, whose heart, mind and intellect are always aligned with Lord Ram, solved the problem by writing the Lord’s name on each boulder. The boulders started connecting with each other, which sent a strong message that all actions dedicated to the Lord would bear fruit. To exemplify Hanuman ji’s devotion, bhakt-vatsal Lord Ram also threw a few boulders in the water but they sank. When He articulated his wonder, Hanuman ji said that the actions of the devotees were dedicated to the Lord, but the boulders that were rejected by the Lord himself, sank in the ocean without a source of support.
Hanuman ji was so attached to Lord Ram and completely detached from everything else, that one time he broke the pearl beads of a necklace that Mother Sita gave to him because the Lord’s image was not embedded in it. Those observing this scene were so appalled that they rebuked Hanuman ji and questioned his action. Hanuman ji said that he had no use for objects that did not have his Lord’s image. When questioned if he himself perceived the image of the Lord, Hanuman ji tore his heart apart and revealed the image of Lord Ram and Mother Sita. This leela is beautifully described by Swamiji in his video lecture (see link under Gems of Wisdom).
There are innumerable such leelas that cross over time and space. Legend states that Hanuman ji’s love and absorption in Ram katha is so deep and profound, that even in Kaliyug, he arrives and savors the Ram katha wherever it is narrated with deep devotional sentiments.
Swamiji says that “When the devotee learns to love God selflessly, he willingly enslaves himself to their love. Shree Ram thus tells Hanuman”:
ekaikasyopakārasya prāṇān dāsyāmi te kape
śheṣhasyehopakārāṇāṁ bhavām ṛiṇino vayaṁ
(Vālmīki Ramayan)[v14]
“O Hanuman, to release myself from the debt of one service you performed for me, I shall have to offer my life to you. For all the other devotional services done by you, I shall remain eternally indebted.” In this way, God reciprocates with everyone as they surrender to him. [Commentary on BG 4.11]
Exclusive Focus on the Goal
Hanuman ji was so goal-oriented that he intelligently side-lined everything that kept him from away his achieving his goal, which was selfless service to Lord Ram. For example, when he vaulted from the ocean front to kick-start his to flight to Lanka, the mountain Mainak emerged from the ocean-bed and requested Hanuman ji to take some rest by putting his divine feet upon him before proceeding to Lanka. Hanuman ji politely declined saying that there was no time to rest when to goal was to do whatever was needed to serve the Lord’s mission. Similarly, after landing in Lanka, Hanuman ji persevered without rest until he found Mother Sita in Ashok Vatika. Being dedicated to accomplishing his goal to serve Lord Ram, Hanuman ji did not let anything deter him from the mission.
Overcoming Obstacles with Discerning Intelligence
The Sundarkand is filled with beautiful leelas that describe how Hanuman ji overcame all the obstacles in his path when crossing over the ocean, as well as after reaching Lanka. These obstacles emerged in the form of demonesses and demons who attacked him from the earth, ocean and sky. However, Hanuman ji utilized his intelligence with discernment to choose the best approach to overcome each obstacle. In some situations, he used humbleness, whereas in others, he used diplomacy, persuasion, threat, or brute physical strength.
Persuasion and Challenge. Hanuman ji faced his first major obstacle when crossing over the ocean to go to Lanka. He was confronted by the demoness Surasa who had a terrifying form with humungous jaws, sharp teeth, and deadly fangs. She suddenly appeared before Hanuman ji like a mountain and told him that he was her meal. Hanuman ji first persuaded her to let him go so he could complete his mission for Lord Ram and promising to return after his seva was done. Surasa mentioned that as per a boom accorded to her, the only way to get past her was through her mouth. So, Hanuman ji challenged her to widen her mouth enough to be able to eat him. Then. He quickly increased his own size and Surasa did the same. They both kept increasing their sizes respectively. Then, Hanuman ji used his intelligence to quickly minimize his body, swiftly entered her mouth and exited before she could devour him. He told Surasa that he honored her boon of passing through her mouth. Now that his obligation was over, he was on his way to complete his mission for Lord Ram.
- Ingenuity and Physical Force. The next obstacle appeared in the form of the demoness Sinhika (or Simhika). She had received a boon from Brahma ji that made her capable of overpowering opponents by pinning down their shadows. When she seized Hanuman ji and tried to devour him, he realized the power of her superior strength. Immediately Hanuman ji started expanding his size so she too had to widen her mouth. Using his ingenuity, Hanuman ji shrunk his size, entered her body, attacked her vital organs, and killed her using physical force.
- Gentle Physical Force. After Hanuman ji crossed over the ocean and reached Lanka, he first carefully inspected the layout of the opulent land to gain insight into how to start his mission to locate Mother Sita. He went at night after minimizing his form. He was stopped at the gates of Lanka by the demoness Lankini, who was guarding the city like a fortress. When she confronted him and demanded to know his identity and purpose of his presence, Hanuman ji first tried to sideline her by identifying himself as a curious visitor. Lankini was not convinced so she attacked him. Hanuman ji did not want to hurt a woman so he used just enough force to knock her down. She fell to the ground after a single blow. Lankini realized that Hanuman ji was no ordinary monkey. She told him of her curse from Brahma ji and how it was an omen of bad times for Lanka when she would be beaten by a monkey in combat. She asked Hanuman ji to forgive her. Being a compassionate soul, Hanuman ji forgave her and moved ahead.
Compassionate Diplomacy
After entering Lanka, Hanuman ji continued with his mission traversing all over the city to understand the layout of the land including critical landmarks. Then he noticed a Tulsi plant and a symbol of Shree Ram’s Sarang (name of the bow) on the door of a palace. Hanuman ji wondered who in Lanka would have symbols of his Lord. Then he heard a man chanting Lord Ram’s name. Subsequently, he connected with Vibhishan, Ravan’s brother, who was lamenting that his chants did not attract the grace of the Lord. With compassion, Hanuman ji taught him the most important way to earn God’s grace – through seva. Vibhishan articulated that he was fortunate to connect to a saint like Hanuman ji, which could not have been possible without Lord’s grace.
Hanuman ji benevolently inspired Vibhishan and told him that they were brothers. Seeing Vibhishan’s surprise, Hanuman ji said that he had met the father (i.e., Lord Ram) but not the mother (i.e., Sita ji), whereas the reverse was true of Vibhishan. Hanuman ji told Vibhishan that he had the opportunity for the Lord’s seva by revealing Mother Sita’s location. He promised Vibhishan that in return, he would ensure that Vibhishan got the opportunity to meet Lord Ram. In complete devotional delight, Vibhishan revealed Mother Sita’s location.
Attitude of Servitude
Hanuman ji found Mother Sita in Ashok Vatika as noted by Vibhishan. She appeared frail and dejected. He wondered about how to approach Mother Sita without startling her. He sat on a tree and started singing Lord Ram’s praises. He then dropped Lord Ram’s ring in front of Sita ji. When she asked where the ring came from, Hanuman ji started narrating the Ram leela. Sita ji was so pleased that she asked Hanuman ji to reveal himself. Hanuman ji jumped down from the tree and introduced himself as the missionary and servant of Lord Ram. When Sita ji doubted his identity, Hanuman ji referred to Lord Ram as “Karunanidhan,” (i.e., the compassionate one). This name was used only by Sita ji to address Lord Ram. She then believed him. Hanuman ji assured her that the Lord would come soon to rescue her. He even said that he himself could rescue Mother Sita but doing so would tarnish the Lord’s reputation. When Sita ji was not convinced about how Hanuman ji could rescue her, he expanded his size to reveal his capability. She then blessed him with the boon of becoming the bestower of eight siddhis (i.e., supernatural powers) and nine nidhis (i.e., divine treasures) [as is noted in Saint Tulsidas’ Hanuman Chalisa].
Humbleness, Diplomacy, and Courage
Hanuman ji wanted to assess Ravan’s capacity and strength so he deliberately wreaked havoc in Ashok Vatika (except where Mother Sita was situated). When the guards tried to capture him, Hanuman ji killed many of them and also slayed Ravan’s son Akshay. Ravan was enraged and sent his illustrious son Indrajit to capture Hanuman ji. After failed attempts, Indrajit used the Brahmastra to capture Hanuman ji. Having received a boon from Brahma ji in his childhood, Hanuman ji had the power to neutralize the divine weapon, he allowed himself to be captured out of humility for Brahma ji.
When he was brought to Ravan’s court, Hanuman ji identified himself as the servant and emissary of Lord Ram. He demanded a seat suitable for diplomat. However, everyone laughed at Hanuman ji. Without feeling perturbed, Hanuman ji expanded his tail and coiled it in circles until it towered higher than Ravan’s throne, then jumped at the top, creating an asana or seat for himself. He admonished Ravan for kidnapping the Mother of the Universe and advised him to seek Lord Ram’s shelter. Angered by all his actions, Ravan instructed his servants to kill Hanuman ji. Vibhishan reminded Ravan that it went against the principles of diplomacy to kill an emissary. So, Ravan ordered the servants to tie Hanuman’s tail in pieces of cloth, dip it in oil and set it ablaze. They were oblivious to Agni devata’s boon to Hanuman ji in his childhood.
With his tail on fire, Hanuman ji courageously jumped from one monumental landmark to another which he had scoped during his initial visit to Lanka, and set fire to almost all of Lanka before jumping into the ocean to douse the fire.
Discrimination Regarding when to Use which Shakti
Hanuman ji intelligently used his discrimination ability or vivek to determine when to use which of his divine shaktis or powers to deal with different challenging situations as described above. During the Ram-Ravan war, when Lakshman was seriously injured by a weapon hurled by Indrajit, he fell unconscious. Vibhishan suggested that Lanka’s royal physician Sushena, could recommend a cure for Lakshman. Hanuman ji was assigned to bring Sushena to Lord Ram’s camp. During nighttime when Hanuman ji found Sushena, he was sleeping. Not wanting to wake up a sleeping sage, Hanuman ji used his physical prowess to lift the cottage with Sushena still asleep and returned to the camp.
Similarly, when Sushena asked Hanuman ji to bring the Sanjeevani herbs to save Lakshman’s life, Hanuman ji flew to the mountain top. After getting there, he could not recognize the specific herbs because many appeared similar. Thus, in the interest of time, using all his physical strength, he lifted the entire mountain so Sushena could find the life-saving Sanjeevani in time to save Lakshman’s life.
How can we Apply these Life Lessons to Enhance Spiritual Growth?
Hanuman ji possesses innumerable divine qualities and character strengths. He is a divine personality endowed with infinite virtues. Yet, as material souls, we can learn lessons on ways to deal with obstacles in life in a calm manner through repeated and deliberate practice to overcome challenges successfully. We can apply the life lessons from Hanuman ji life and leelas to figure out where and how we can grow from within.
Here are some points for reflection and self-assessment which may lead to a plan for internalizing the critical life lessons (see Tool for Growth below to develop a plan).
- Reflect on three serious challenges or obstacles you experienced during this past year. Reflect also on the strategy you used to overcome each obstacle. Assess whether you applied the strategy with discernment to choose the best approach to problem-solving. Reflect on what you could have done differently.
- Identify the goal of your life. Reflect on how you have kept your focus on the goal to sideline social obligations or karmkand that obstruct spiritual progress.
- Assess the amount of time spent on sadhana and seva of God/Guru as opposed to activities that are not related to the goal of life. Reflect on how to bring the divine realm into things that you have to do to keep the peace in your environment.
- Assess the extent of attachment to God/Guru and the extent of detachment from worldly objects, events, family and friends, as well as your own preferences. Reflect on why the mind is still attached to worldly matters.
- With specific reference to JKYog sevas in which you are involved, assess your attitude for each seva. Do you embrace the attitude of servitude or authority for some or all sevas? Reflect on the sevas that may require more humility and servitude.

Tools for Your Personal Growth
In the previous section, we learned how to apply lessons from Hanuman ji’s life to deal with various obstacles with discernment. One way to use life lessons is to figure out where and how we can grow from within, especially when faced with complex challenges.
We have provided a tool for the application of the knowledge to help figure out where each of us needs to grow. A downloadable tracking sheet is available for you to use.

Review the tool for the application of the knowledge to help figure out how to overcome obstacles with discernment. We have provided a blank sheet for your convenience. You can keep printed or e-copy for easy access for reflection before a difficult situation arises. Remember, change takes time!

Love to Hear from You
- How did you apply the Vedic Wisdom?
- What challenges did you experience in the process?
Please share your comments under “Join the Discussion” below.

Gems of Wisdom from Swamiji
Here are a few YouTube video titles with related links and books where Swamiji has described the sweet leelas, virtuous qualities, and life lessons from Hanuman ji.
Shri Ram's 3 Gems Of Wisdom From Ramayan That Will Transform Our Life
Mukundananda, S. (2022). Bhagavad Gita – The Song of God, Westland Publications: Chennai, India.
Mukundananda, S. (2021). 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self, HarperCollins Publishers: Noida, India.
Mukundananda, S. (2020). The Science of Mind Management, Westland Publications: Chennai, India.
Shree Hanuman Chalisa with Lyrics (2021 Version) | Richa Sharma | JKYog Music

Hold Your Breath! Check out Upcoming Events
We are very excited to share about the most dynamite upcoming event with Swamiji as he starts his 2023 US tour. Everyone is looking forward to all these programs in their respective cities!

Life Transformation Programs (LTP)
Life Transformational programs with Swamiji are the highlight of his US tour. Spanning twelve cities from coast-to-coast between April and August 2023, the LTP is a much-awaited event. In this week-long program, Swamiji conducts yoga, pranayam, and meditation sessions daily, delivers divine lectures on a specific topic or theme, and also leads devotional kirtans.
The topic of his divine lectures this year is Golden Rules for Living Your Best Life. In this series of talks, Swamiji will expound on topics related to his most recently published book by the same name.
Additionally, morning walks with Swamiji present an excellent opportunity to seek answers to complex concepts and clarify doubts. Participants also have the option to connect with Swamiji during breakfast and dinner. This is one of the most inspirational of all events with a schedule convenient to most working professionals.
Check the dates for the LTP in your city and register for the free program. Seva opportunities are also available for interested participants.

Voices from the Global Community
JKYog’s e-Journal Samarpan inspires the community by introducing you to members who have been impacted by the scriptural knowledge taught and disseminated by Swamiji. Two devotees, Ajay Pandey and Meenu Nanda, describe how Hanuman ji’s character strengths have been instrumental in enhancing their own spiritual practice.

We invite you to share your inspirations and success stories with us at [email protected].

JKYog Transforming Communities
Here, we share the amazing activities and news about programs conducted by various JKYog centers in the U.S.
Radha Krishna Temple of Bay Area
The Radha Krishna Temple of Bay Area was inaugurated in July 2022 with the Pran Pratishta of Shree Radha-Krishna and Jagadguru Kripalu ji Maharaj. Under Swamiji’s mentorship, the Temple launched many programs and festivals to bring the community together to make a difference in the lives of people.
Within a month after the inauguration, the Radha Krishna Temple of Bay Area organized a four-day Janmashtami celebration which included cultural programs and a Mela in which several vendors participated. Devotees enthusiastically participated in the event and experienced the divine bliss of the appearance of Bal Gopal. More than 1200 people attended the event.
The first Life Transformation Program was held in September 2022. The event was highly successful with a full house on all days of the week. Everyone benefitted from Swamiji's divine lectures filled with words of wisdom. Hundreds of people got the opportunity to interact with Swamiji during the week-long program and morning walks.
There were several other festivals celebrated for the first time including Navratri, Gopi-Prem Diwas, and Holi. Hundreds of devotees participated in these festivals. They were enthralled to receive messages from Hari-Guru which inspired them to grow spiritually.
In addition to the temple activities, the volunteers of the Rotary chapter of the JKYog Bay Area are working tirelessly to serve the community to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged people. Initiatives included a drive to collect and deliver food and shoes to those in need. In the recent Operation Care and Comfort program, volunteers donated essential items and sent thank-you notes to the US troops deployed overseas.
The Bal-Mukund program offered by the Radha Krishna Temple of the Bay Area is also operating in full swing, with children learning Vedic wisdom and growing spiritually from a young age. The children also put together a Shiv Leela on the occasion of Shivratri, which brought cheers from the audience.

Glimpses of Past Events
Want a glimpse of some of our events? This month we are sharing beautiful glimpses of the Holika Dahan, Phoolon ki Holi, and Ram Navami.
Holika Dahan and Phoolon ki Holi
The most delightful and devotional Holika Dahan and Braj-style Phoolon ki Holi were celebrated at the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas, the official Headquarters of JKYog USA. With a jam-packed prayer hall and the courtyard, the Temple was the place to be for this festival.
The most amazing leela of how Lord Narsinh manifested out of a pillar to protect the devotional sentiments of Prahlad was immensely appreciated by the audience. This specific leela and the Holika Dahan event itself, beautifully captured the most important message, that is, the ever-compassionate Lord is bhakt-vatsal and bhakt-vashya. Thus, if we focus on increasing our devotion, all other things will automatically be managed through God’s support.
Catch a heartwarming glimpse of the Holika Dahan program in this video clip!
The Braj-style Phoolon ki Holi was one of the most exhilarating of all experiences! Countless devotees played Holi with the divine Radha-Krishna and Shree Maharajji using colorful flower petals! Dancing and singing to the tunes of the lovely and festive Holi kirtans, the Temple appeared like a representation of Golok on earth!
Catch a beautiful glimpse of the exquisite Phoolon ki Holi in this video clip!
Ram Navami
Following a very devotional nine-day celebration of Chaitra Navratri at the Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas, the official Headquarters of JKYog USA, devotees relished the wonderful 3-day Ram Navami festivities.
Lots of devotees participated in various poojas and related events, whether it was the devotional Abhishek of Lord Ram, meditative chants, soulful kirtans, the cultural program, knowledge quizzes, or festive birthday celebrations. The highlight of the evening program was the Bhajan Sandhya marked by very devotional bhajans and kirtans sung by devotees trained in classical vocal music.
The Ram-Janma celebration with the ceremonial procession, lots of dancing, singing, birthday cake-cutting, and Jhoolan were the hallmarks of the celebration. Devotees also savored the bliss of Shree Ram’s Abhishek in the midst of very devotional chants and mantras recited by the temple’s priests on the first day and devotional kirtans on the third day. Devotees also soaked in the devotional sentiments emanating from Swamiji’s video lecture. Whether participants joined in person or virtually, they experienced the bliss of the manifestation of Lord Ram as a child.