Radhashtami is the celebration of the divine appearance of Shree Radha Rani, the supreme embodiment of devotion and selfless love. To appreciate such infinite traits, devotees must immerse themselves in learning the essence of Radha Tattva. Understanding Radha Tattva deepens our relationship with the Divine Mother of the Universe and Shree Krishna. It also clarifies the principle of our relationship with the divine personalities necessary for progress on our spiritual journey.
Radha Rani: The Worshiper and the Worshiped
Jagadguru Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj has explained the origin of Radha Rani’s name. The Sanskrit word "Radha" holds dual meanings. It refers to the one who worships Shree Krishna and, paradoxically, the one who is worshiped by Him. Both interpretations are valid, as the scriptures present Radha Rani as Shree Krishna’s supreme devotee and simultaneously as the object of His deepest adoration and highest level of bliss.

Radha Rani is Shree Krishna’s soul, His Yogmaya Shakti, enabling Him to do contradictory things simultaneously. Shree Krishna is the source of all energy and Radha Rani is His topmost divine energy. Shree Krishna manifests His enchanting personal form, divine abode, divine pastimes, and divine virtues through Radha Rani’s Yogmaya Shakti. The Yogamaya Shakti manifests as the Mother of the Universe taking infinite forms as Radha Rani, Sita, Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, etc.
Radha Rani is not just Shree Krishna’s devotee but His guiding force, revered by saints and sages across ages. Ancient texts, such as the Narad Panchratra and Radha Upanishad, describe Shree Radha Krishna as inseparable, like milk and its whiteness. They are one divine existence, manifesting as two entities, the Shaktiman and Shakti, or the energetic and the energy, to intensify each other’s bliss. The eternal divine couple descends from time to time in this world and reveals different pastimes each time, for the spiritual welfare of devotees. It is said that Radha Rani savors the nectar of Som Ras to better serve Shree Krishna.

Radha Rani’s Role in Creation
Shree Radha Rani is more than just the beloved of Shree Krishna—She is the prime force behind all creation. The Padma Puran says that Shree Radha Rani’s toenail is the origin of countless Vishnus, emphasizing Her vast power and divine authority. As the essence of Shree Krishna’s Hladini Shakti (i.e., bliss-giving power), Radha Rani embodies the ultimate bliss that permeates the universe. Without Her, the divine cosmic play would cease to exist.

Additionally, even though Shree Krishna is worshipped by countless beings across infinite universes, the truth is that He too, lovingly serves Radha Rani. As described by saints like Ras Khan and Jagadguru Shree Vallabhacharya, Shree Krishna presses Radha Rani’s divine lotus feet and serves Her in infinite ways. She selflessly permits Him to serve Her with the full knowledge of how it enhances His bliss. She also engages in Maan Leela from time to time for the same reason. Thus, in every aspect, Shree Radha Rani reigns supreme.

Radha Tattva: A Spiritual Mystery
Radha Tattva is an enigma that transcends human comprehension. Understanding or describing the spiritual principle of the Mother of the Universe is infinitely beyond the capacities of our material intellect. Even the Vedic Scriptures struggle to convey the depth of Shree Radha Rani’s relationship with Shree Krishna, acknowledging its profound mysticism. Yet, saints and sages share glimpses of this divine truth with the world to inspire devotees to higher spiritual levels.
Swami Mukundananda beautifully explains that Radha Rani is Shree Krishna’s Swaroop Shakti or the essence of Sat-Chit-Anand. The essence of Sat-Brahm is Sandhini Shakti, by which He manifests His eternal abode and eternal personality. The essence of the Chit-Brahm is Samvit Shakti by which He is omniscient or all-knowing, and the essence of the Anand-Brahm is Hladini Shakti, by which God remains ever-blissful. The essence of the Hladini Shakti is Prem Shakti or divine love bliss. Prem or divine love is the highest all of God’s infinite shaktis.
The sweetest mystery of Radha Tattva is that Shree Krishna is so fascinated and curious about the highest level of Prem Shakti that enslaves Him. He is equally curious about what it is about Him that makes Radha Rani His most ardent devotee. To experience the bliss of both mysteries, He descends on earth taking Her divine avatar to experience such indescribable bliss. That was the avatar of Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Shree Krishna, the Lord of all creation, remains captivated by Radha Rani’s divine love. Her love, known as Madan (the highest form of love), surpasses all forms of devotion. Every pore of His body reverberates with the name "Radha," as He yearns to serve Her and experience the depths of Her love.
As the rasik saints proclaim, for us as devotees, Shree Radha Rani’s name is the supreme treasure, and uttering it removes all mental afflictions. It is through Her compassionate grace that individual souls connect with Shree Krishna. This is the reason that rasik saints worship Radha Rani. She is the topmost devotee of Shree Krishna. Lord Krishna is the soul of all souls but Radha Rani is the soul of Shree Krishna. While Radha Rani’s forms or expansions are infinite, from the point of view of devotion, Radha Rani’s personality is very special, as She the loving form of the Divine Mother. She bestows the kind of love that we want from God. The divine Mother in the form of Ma Kali and Mother Durga kills demons, whereas in the form of Radha Rani, bestows that sublime love which is our goal.
Radha Rani is the source and the abode of the Madanakhya Mahabhav – the ultimate Divine Love for Shree Krishna. Her love is immensely selfless, without a tinge of self-seeking. That is the reason that spiritual aspirants say, “Radhey Radhey Shyam se mila de” (O Divine Mother, make us meet Shree Krishna). The implication is that we must chant Her divine name for inspiration and to purify our hearts. No one would be able to comprehend such divine knowledge of Radha Tattva if it were not for our Divine Guru.
Validation of Radha Tattva in the Scriptures: Hidden but Present
Novice spiritualists often wonder about the evidence of Radha Rani’s existence and whether the Vedic scriptures validate Her presence. Though Radha’s name is subtly mentioned in scriptures like the Bhagavatam, Her presence is undeniable. For example, in the respective canto, chapter, and verse of the Bhagavatam, the Gopis recognize Radha Rani’s supreme devotion to Shree Krishna (10:30:28). Similarly, the term “Shree” (10:83:42) refers to Radha, not Rukmini, indicating Radha’s unparalleled status.
The Vedic scriptures also affirm Radha Rani’s divinity. The Upanishads describe Her as the power worshipped by Shree Krishna, and the Devi Bhagvat Puran emphasizes the importance of uttering Her name before Shree Krishna’s in prayer, as it brings auspiciousness and protection from Maya. Quotes from the Rig Veda state “I offer my obeisance to that Shree Krishna who took Radha Rani away during the Maharaas.” The third mantra of the Rig Veda notes “I offer my pranam to the daughter of Vrishbhanu” (Radha Rani’s father). The Atharva Veda states that we cannot fathom the depth of Radha Rani whose footdust the Lord of the Universe, Shree Krishna, places on His head. It also suggests that the Vedas are limited whereas Radha Rani is infinite. Shree Laxmi and Parvati are the ansh or part of that Supreme Radha Rani.
In the Narad Puran, Shree Ved Vyas states that Mahalaxmi manifests from the left part of Radha Rani’s body, and in the Padma Puran, he notes that millions of Laxmis are Radha Rani’s servants. He also mentions Radha Rani by name in the Devi Bhagawat Puran. Additionally, Shree Ved Vyas states the Radha Tattva is eternal (Adi Puran), and that Rukmini was present in Dwarka but in Vrindavan, it was Radha ji (Matsya Puran). Radha Rani Herself states that Shree Krishna is Her masculine form (Brahma Vaivarta Puran).

As Shree Krishna’s soul, Radha Rani is not separate from Him but is His very essence. In the Bhagavatam, the names ‘Radha,’ ‘Shree,’ and ‘Rama’ all hint at Shree Radha Rani’s presence. Illustrating Her immense power, Paramhans Shukdev Maharaj even avoided saying Her name directly during his narration of the Bhagavatam to King Parikshit to avoid being swept into divine ecstasy and not being able to complete it in seven days.
On this Radhashtami, let us remember Shree Radha Rani’s unparalleled position in the spiritual hierarchy and strive to surrender at Her lotus feet, for it is through Her that we reach Shree Krishna.
List of Resources
- When Bhakti Wins Gyan - Radha's Love that Made Krishna Faint | Swami Mukundananda
- An Incredibly Sweet Story of Radha Krishna | Radha Krishna Leela | Swami Mukundananda
- Who is Shree Radha? | Vedic Scriptures Revealed This About Radha Rani
- Radha Rani's Love for Shri Krishna | Swami Mukundananda
- Who is Mother Durga? Watch this Real Story | Swami Mukundananda
- Mukundananda, S. (2024). Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism: Essence of the Vedic Scriptures. Rupa Publications Pvt Ltd: New Delhi, India.