Radha Govind Geet – Part 3

We shall continue with the opening couplets from ‘Radha Govind Geet’ – ‘Dainya Madhuri’. We must note that Shri Maharajji wrote these couplets in traditional Hindi, blending a unique poetic style of expression with glorious linguistic artistry, unmatched in the literary world. The simplicity of presentation and the deep impact that he could create with just a few words of poetry entices the heart of the devotee for ever.

In these dohas, you will find many terms that comes from Braj Bhasa, the language of the Braj region as well as the pure form of Hindi. Readers will be astonished to know that Shri Maharajji was a great exponent of many languages and dialects, although he hardly visited the lands where these languages are spoken.

He completed much of his scholastic duties at the early age of 15, earning his degree in sanskrit literature and history as Vyakaranachrya (Master of Sanskrit Grammar). Few know that he had also been awarded the degree of Kavyatirtha (Master of Poetry) in 1942. He also received his degree as Ayurved Acharya (Master of Ayurved) from Delhi Vidyapeet in 1943 and Sahitya Acharya (Master of History) from Calcutta Vidyapeet in 1943.

Let us explore the next set of dohas that reveal a lighter side of a devotee’s feelings towards Shree Radha Krishna.

Couplet 10

Hari ko Bulaye Ja Govind Radhe
                                                                                    Jag ko Bhulaye Ja Jag Tohi Ka De


This doha is another exemplary demonstration of simplicity combined with the ability to convey a deep philosophical truth. Just by the twist of single letter (Ba and Bha), Shri Maharajji easily drives home a very important point for us devotees.

Shri Maharajji says, “Keep calling (Bulaye) the name of Hari (Shri Krishna) at all times. At the same time, forget (Bhulaye) this material world. What will this world give you?”

When a devotee sincerely practices the chanting of God’s names and virtues, the mind is automatically drawn towards the Supreme Lord. It will be difficult in the beginning, but with persistence and patience, the exercise becomes easier. The more we practice, more our mind gets attached to God and thinks about God.

There is a deeper philosophical (and logical) point that Shree Maharajji wants to tell us. In many of his lectures, Shri Maharajji answers some of the most vexing questions posed by devotees about the mind not engaging in devotion. He answers it in a simple but logical manner.

He says, “The extent to which your mind engages in total devotion of Shri Krishna, we will lose attachment of the world to the same extent. If we practice 30% devotion to God, then we lose 30% attachment from this material world. The mind gets detached from the material world to the extent or level with which we attach the same mind to God. Once we attain perfection, we lose 100% attachment from this world and gain 100% devotion to God.”

This is the science of Vyragya or total detachment from material world and complete union with God.

Shri Maharajji has encapsulated this deep philosophical meaning within these two lines of simple Hindi! Astonishing!

Couplet 11

Nitya Bihar kare Govind Radhe
                                                                                  Braj mei ya mere ur pur mei bata de


Shri Krishna is loving called Bankey Bihari for he eternally roams the streets and forests of Braj, enacting his loving leelas and enticing the hearts of devotees. Shri Maharajji says that Shri Krishna always roams in Braj showering his grace on every soul devoted to him. Shri Maharajji ask Shri Krishna, “do you roam the streets of Braj or inside my heart?”

Our heart (ur in Hindi) is the house of God and he is eternally present inside us. He has always been with us and will be with us for ever. The individual soul gets its power from God. So, the heart is the sacred place where the soul and the supreme soul reside together.

Shri Maharajji lovingly asks Shri Krishna, “Are you roaming the streets of Braj or the inner world inside my heart?”

These are devotional and loving sentiments that a devotee can express towards God to increase the fondness for the supreme soul inside his heart.

Couplet 12 & 13

Jhoomat aihein kab Govind Radhe
                                                                                     Shyama Shyam mo dhig garbahiyan de

Garbahiyan dai ke aaja Govind Radhe
                                                                                          Ur bich jhoola dari jhoola jhula de


Shri Maharajji has beautifully crafted these two dohas with feelings of loving fondness that soar like waves in ocean.

He says, “When will i see Shri Radha Krishna gracefully meandering with their arms locked around their necks (garbahiyan), kissing the ground with their feet and saunter towards me?”

The vision of Shri Radha Krishna together is a sight to behold and can only be seen with divine eyes. Up until the moment we are graced with divine vision, we have our imagination at our disposal. Roopdhyan meditation allows us to contemplate and imagine the loving form of Shri Radha Krishna that we like and visualize them walking towards us with eyes filled with love.

In the last couplet, Shri Maharajji continues, “Oh Shri Radha Krishna! please come to me with your arms around each other. I shall make a swing (Jhoola) inside my heart and please you by swaying and swinging you.”

This is a poetic form of expression, where Shri Maharajji dons the hat of a devotee and expresses the loving feelings that we as devotees can develop inside us to increase our longing for God.

Such deep feelings of devotion, love and fondness for God can only increase the longing and attachment of a devotee towards God.