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To practice selflessness is to practice humility

To practice selflessness is to practice humility

The spiritual sojourn demands firstly a humble nature. Countless saints from different spiritual paths have extolled and displayed the virtue of humility, serving as a reminder for us to practice it in our daily lives. But how can we tell if we are indeed humble? A correct understanding of humility...

One quality that is dearest to God – Humility

One quality that is dearest to God – Humility

Shree Krishna says in the Gita: समोऽहं सर्वभूतेष्ा न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न पि्रयः ॥ “I have neither friend nor enemy.”  This was said only to fool others.  He does in fact have an enemy, and it is pride.  He has a...

First Method of Practicing Bhakti – Hearing

Devotional service to Shri Krishna is performed by following the nine methods as follows: 1. Hearing 2. Chanting 3. Remembering 4. Serving the lotus feet 5. Worshipping 6. Praying 7. Executing the orders 8. Fraternizing 9. Fully surrendering In this series, we will elaborate on one method each week. We’...

The Inner Mechanism – The Mind

The Inner Mechanism – The Mind

Shyamsundar is the Soul of every soul and that the individual souls constitute the body of Shyamsundar.  Just as our material body constantly serves the soul by trying to give it happiness through every thought and action, similarly the individual soul is an eternal servant of God. But since time...

Thoughts are the seeds of destiny

Thoughts are the seeds of destiny

“It is thought which is the propelling force in us. Fill the mind with the highest thoughts, hear them day after day, think them month after month. “– Swami Vivekananda Our minds are filled with countless thoughts during the course of the day. Since they are “just thoughts”, we tend to...

International Day of Yoga Celebration

International Day of Yoga Celebration

Yoga is a system of holistic living, with its roots deeply entrenched in Indian tradition and culture. The ancient and timeless science of Yoga is a marvel that brings immense physical and mental benefit to mankind, irrespective of religion, faith, creed or gender. One of the many amazing facts about...

Radha Govind Geet – Part 3

Radha Govind Geet – Part 3

We shall continue with the opening couplets from ‘Radha Govind Geet’ – ‘Dainya Madhuri’. We must note that Shri Maharajji wrote these couplets in traditional Hindi, blending a unique poetic style of expression with glorious linguistic artistry, unmatched in the literary world. The simplicity of presentation and the deep impact that...

Fresno Retreat 2015 – An unforgettable experience

Fresno Retreat 2015 – An unforgettable experience

From beginning to end, the Fresno retreat was a grand success. Participants delighted in hearing Swamiji expound his first ever commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, clearly defining a step by step path to spiritual success. Everyone indulged in a variety of soul-nourishing activities for the whole family, including a...

Radha Govind Geet – Part 2

Radha Govind Geet – Part 2

Continuing with the opening couplets from ‘Radha Govind Geet’ – ‘Dainya Madhuri’, we shall progress further in our devotion by singing the personal glories of Shri Radha and Krishna. Couplet 7 & 8 Jivan Jivan Govind Radhe                                                                     Jivan Dhan Ghanshyam Hai Bata De Jivan Jivan Govind Radhe                                                                       Shyam, Shyam Jivan Shyama Bata...

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