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Significance of Faith

Significance of Faith

We have learned from Shree Maharajji that a soul needs only three graces in order to attain divine love – the human form (read our blog titled “Why is Bhakti so Rare?” to understand the importance of the human form), a Guru (read our blog explaining a few verses of the...

Third Method of Practicing Bhakti – Remembering

Third Method of Practicing Bhakti – Remembering

Devotional service to Shri Krishna is performed by following the nine methods as follows: Hearing Chanting Remembering Serving the lotus feet Worshipping Praying Executing the orders Fraternizing Fully surrendering In this series, this week we will discuss the third one – remembering. Remembering or smaraṇam requires active participation and concentration because...

Radha Govind Geet – Part 8

Radha Govind Geet – Part 8

Couplet 18 Dono Divya Chandrama Hein Govind Radhe                                                                                                        Mere Dou Naina Chakor Bana De Shree Maharajji teaches us the philosophy of divine in many different ways to entice the seeker and melt his heart in divine longing for Shri Radha Krishna. Divine spiritual knowledge, which is food for the intellect...

Radha Govind Geet – Part 7

Radha Govind Geet – Part 7

Couplet 17 ‘Mai Teri’ Bhulun Bhi To Govind Radhe                                                                                                      Tu Mera Yah Kabhu Na Bhula De Shree Maharajji relentlessly continues to drive home the point about the human mind’s forgetfulness of God. In the previous couplets, there were ample instances where Shree Maharajji reminds us about how easily the...

Why is Bhakti so Rare?

Why is Bhakti so Rare?

Many of us practice bhakti by going to the local temple with a certain frequency, or attend a satsang regularly, or listen to the great saints, or read the religious texts, or perform prayer rituals at home. In light of this understanding, why would bhakti be called rare? Bhakti is...

The search for happiness leads us to spirituality

The search for happiness leads us to spirituality

Ponder for a moment why you do anything you do and unravel the mystery until you cannot go any further. For example, maybe you want a high paying job. Why? So that you can live in luxury, of course! But still, why? What’s the deeper motivation? Because luxury is...

God Resides in His Name

God Resides in His Name

According to the Vedic scriptures, the ultimate goal of human life is to attain Shree Krishna. Keeping this goal in mind, the scriptures guide us to focus on different activities as a means to achieve the end which is union with the Supreme Soul, Shree Krishna. Click here to watch...

Radha Govind Geet – Part 6

Radha Govind Geet – Part 6

JKYog wishes a very happy Guru Poornima to everyone! Couplet 16 Tum Bhi Na Bhulo Mohi Govind Radhe                                                                                            Mai Bhi Na Bhulun Tohi Pal Chin Adhe In the last few couplets of Radha Govind Geet, Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj talks about the importance of never forgetting Shri Radha Krishna even...

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