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Houston, TX Hosts Swami Mukundananda

Houston, TX Hosts Swami Mukundananda

Immediately before hurricane Harvey and its devastating aftermath engulfed Houston, Houstonians were blessed with the presence of Swami Mukundananda. Swamiji presented his eagerly awaited lecture series on the topic of Seven Mindsets of Success in Life and Beyond to an enthralled, enthusiastic, and attentive group of old and new devotees...

Why is Bhakti Purifying?

Why is Bhakti Purifying?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Shree Krishna explains to Arjun that there are three paths to attain Him: bhakti yog, karm yog, and jñān yog. The knowledge of bhakti is described by Shree Krishna as the king of sciences and the most profound of all secrets (BG v9.2). Why? Let...

Importance of Spiritual Knowledge

Importance of Spiritual Knowledge

The Vedic scriptures inform us that nobody works without a reason. There is a reason for all our actions. All works of every personality—a human, or a God-realized Saint, or God himself—are done with a purpose. Even we people have a purpose. What is the purpose? The main...

Highest Sacrifice is Self-Happiness

Highest Sacrifice is Self-Happiness

The Vedic scriptures inform us that we are eternal servants of God. 500 years ago Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said the same thing: jīver svaroop hay kṛiṣhṇer nitya dās meaning, we are the eternal servants of Shree Krishna. But what does it mean to be a servant and to serve Krishna? As...

Science of Deity Worship

Science of Deity Worship

Traditionally saints and devotees in India have worshipped and revered deities e.g. Meerabai worshipped Giridhar Gopal; Saint Ekanath was a devotee of Rukmini Mittal; Chaitanya Mahaprabhu loved Lord Jagannath; alvars of South India worshipped the deity of Lord Vishnu in his various temples; Jagadguru Ramanujacharya was also into deity...

What do you Meditate Upon?

What do you Meditate Upon?

Meditation, as a stress reduction or stress management technique, is increasingly becoming popular in the West. But is there all to it? It just helps to manage stress and improve our physical health? Could there be more to it than meets the eye? Actually yes, there is… lots more. Some...

Grow Your Attachment to God

Grow Your Attachment to God

Bhakti is a widely used word in Indian spirituality and religion. Most of us believe ourselves to be a ‘bhakt’, a devotee of Radha Krishna or Sita Ram or Shiv and Parvati. Yet, few of us take the time to truly understand the depth of the meaning contained in the...

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