New Year 2018 – Become Successful and Progress Spiritually

Spiritual Gems

New year is a time of introspection for serious spiritual aspirants to determine their progress from the previous year and commit to spiritual goals for the upcoming year.

The beauty of the new year is that it offers a logical cut off point for removing unhealthy habits and replacing them with productive habits. Perhaps you want to make more time for personal sadhana or improve upon yourself by becoming more patient and tolerant. You are full of the best intentions but somehow feel that the task before you is too difficult!

That is understandable. We cannot overcome our defects by simply fighting with the mind. Defects such as anger and pride are under the realm of Maya which is a power of God and therefore insurmountable without divine grace. As souls, we have been enveloped by the darkness of Maya due to turning away from God.

“Rather than fight with the darkness, we should strive to go towards the light.  God is that light.  When we try to surrender to God, these defects start falling away.  When we engage in devotion for the highest, the lowest falls away by itself. “ – Swami Mukundananda

Ready for change in the New Year?
In this latest series of videos “7 Spiritual Gems for a Successful 2018”, Swami Mukundananda offers gems of encouragement to turn over a new leaf in 2018. He begins with a great technique to give up bad habits and develop good habits.

In subsequent videos he talks about giving up ego and hypocrisy and provides inspirational examples of great devotees of the Lord who demonstrated humility and sincerity.

Do check out this motivational series and other videos on the JKYOG YouTube Channels!