When we suddenly confront a dangerous situation, our minds respond with a characteristic “fight or flight” response. This time the adrenal glands secret the hormones epinephrine and nor epinephrine to cause the increased blood pressure, heart beats, breathing etc. i.e. to cope up with the situation. Thereby this is sometimes also known as “adrenaline rush”. In the present scenario of chaos among the people, where feeling insecurity is the formidable giant overshadowing us all the time, deep inside our mind we are always exposed to the possible danger. As a result we accommodate the fight or flight symptoms from time to time. That indicates the turmoil hovering our mind and it is that which breeds the diseases.   In such a case of chaotic circumstances exclusively meditation can be a panacea when applied.

Researchers have proved that almost all of the diseases are caused by the stress known as stress-born diseases or psychosomatic diseases.  It is not relaxing since there is always the fear; be it the fear of losing your job or status, money or spouse.  There might be really surprise to find a person without intimidated by the modern day situation.

Our mind is composed of billions of brain cells called as neurons. They pass on information in the form of electrochemical impulses. Such a huge number of neurons passing electric signals together form a wave pattern. Regarding the state of our mind there are four types of wave patterns: beta, alpha, theta and delta.

In general, we are accustomed to using the beta brain rhythm. Even in the sleep with dreams the same pattern is formed. It is only when we are at deep sleep; the alpha wave pattern comes to existence. Alpha pattern suggests the relaxed state of mind. Some hours of calm and relaxed mind assigns a good health. Theta exists in state of reduced consciousness and delta in the fainted state.

Next to deep sleep there is meditation which is a voluntary act to pacify the mind. Though exactly in meditation there is mixture of beta and alpha wave patterns, it deeply relaxes the mind. It is here that mind gets calmed, joyful and all creativity erupts.  According to the Bhagavad Gita, the mind alone is the cause of bond and liberation and can be the friend and enemy as well to us. The controlled mind, the pacified one, is the friend, provider of liberation and the vice versa.

It has been the common fact that a simple act of meditation as few as for 10 minutes a day can save you from anxiety, stress and thus most of the psychosomatic problems.

You can find myriads of forms of meditation in this world. Meditation on the chakras, bindus, or on a void, etc., has come to be normal practices now days. But the real benefit is derived by contemplating on the forms of Lord Himself as it gives the two fold benefit – pacifies the mind so saves from danger of falling prey to diseases and cleanses your heart which will bring you closer to Lord with which you will embody the feeling of surrender.

Thus it seems practical to meditate on a daily basis, not only for seekers on the spiritual path, but also for the general public.