What does it take to live an inspired life? It often feels like we know what we should be doing to improve—eat healthier, exercise regularly, pursue spiritual growth—but we still struggle to follow through. Why is that? We have the knowledge, we even have good reasons, but sometimes we fail to act on them. In this blog, inspired by a powerful lecture by Swami Mukundananda, we’ll explore why this happens and how we can use our intellect to motivate ourselves daily.

The Gap Between Knowledge and Action
We often know the right thing to do, but we don’t always do it. Take, for example, healthy eating. Most of us are aware that eating well is essential for our health. Yet, we indulge in unhealthy snacks like ice cream and chocolate. It’s not just about knowing what’s right—it’s about keeping that knowledge active in our intellect. As Swami Mukundananda says, the intellect is like a vessel. It holds various pieces of knowledge from different sources, but it’s what we choose to activate that shapes our actions.

Just like a student who can focus intensely during an exam but fails to maintain that focus throughout the year, we have the ability to stay motivated—we just need the right trigger for our intellect to take control.

The Power of a Resolved Intellect
Imagine someone offering you a cup of nectar that you are convinced is actually poison. No matter the temptation, you wouldn't drink it, right? That's the power of a resolved intellect. When your intellect firmly believes something, the mind and senses follow suit.

Swami Mukundananda explains that this principle applies to all areas of life. The intellect, when filled with the right knowledge, can inspire us to overcome distractions and temptations. The challenge is keeping this knowledge fresh and top of mind.

Sant Ekanath’s Wisdom: Living Each Day as If It's Your Last
One of the most transformative ways to stay inspired is to live each day as if it’s your last. Swami Mukundananda shares the story of Sant Ekanath, a saint from Maharashtra. When a man came to him struggling to focus his mind on spiritual practice, Sant Ekanath gave him a startling piece of advice: "You are going to die in seven days."

This knowledge transformed the man’s mindset. With the realization that he had only seven days left, all worldly distractions faded away, and he was able to focus entirely on God. When he returned to Sant Ekanath on the seventh day, his mind was calm and fixed on the Divine. The saint told him, “Every day, live as if it’s your last.” This perspective keeps the intellect alert and motivated, reminding us to make the most of the time we have.

The Science of Motivation
To stay motivated, Swami Mukundananda emphasizes that we need a strong reason—and that reason must remain fresh in our intellect. Many people lose motivation in their spiritual practices because the knowledge they once found inspiring gradually fades away. For example, after attending an inspiring lecture, we might feel the urge to practice devotion more diligently. But over time, if we don’t keep that knowledge alive in our intellect, our enthusiasm diminishes.

The secret to constant inspiration is to regularly remind ourselves of why we started our journey in the first place. Just like a student who excels during the final exam by focusing entirely on the task at hand, we can achieve great things if we bring the right knowledge to the forefront of our intellect consistently.

Swamiji’s Personal Experience with Motivation
Swami Mukundananda shares his own experience of learning the science of motivation from his Guru, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. As a young disciple, Swamiji was instructed to share the knowledge of the scriptures with others. However, public speaking didn’t come naturally to him at first. He even practiced giving lectures to walls and trees when there was no audience available.

Despite these challenges, Swamiji’s motivation never wavered because he had the right knowledge in his intellect. He knew that spreading this divine wisdom was his life’s mission, and that intense aspiration kept him going. Swamiji's Guru had taught him a valuable lesson: Carelessness doesn’t come from outside; it comes from within. If you keep the right knowledge in your intellect, you will find the inspiration to keep striving.

The Preciousness of the Human Form
One of the most powerful sources of motivation is the realization that this human form is a rare gift. Our souls have journeyed through 8.4 million species of life, and there’s no guarantee that we’ll get the human form again in our next life. God has given us this opportunity for a higher purpose—one that goes beyond merely surviving. As George Bernard Shaw said, "Life devoted only to life is animal without any human value."

We are here to serve a higher goal: to realize God, truth, and divine beauty. When we understand the temporary nature of this human body and the fleeting nature of life, we become motivated to make every moment count. We don’t know how much time we have, so it’s essential to use every day wisely.

A Fisherman’s Regret: Don’t Waste Your Life’s Precious Gifts
Swami Mukundananda shares a parable about a fisherman who unknowingly wastes a bag full of priceless gems. While waiting by a stream to catch fish, he passes the time by throwing pebbles into the water. Only after he’s thrown 24 of them does he realize that they were not pebbles but valuable jewels. Fortunately, he still has one left.

Many of us are in danger of wasting something even more precious than those jewels—our human life. If we spend our days distracted by temporary pleasures, we risk realizing too late that we’ve squandered the greatest gift of all. Unlike the fisherman, we may not even have one jewel left at the end of our lives.

How to Stay Motivated Every Day
To inspire yourself daily, remind yourself of the value of this human form. Life is temporary, and our time here is limited. Keeping this knowledge at the forefront of your intellect will help you stay focused on what truly matters. Whether it's your spiritual practice, your health, or your personal goals, make the most of every moment by maintaining a strong resolve to do your best.

The key to lasting inspiration is simple: find a strong reason to act and keep that reason alive in your intellect. When you do that, you’ll find the motivation to pursue your goals, overcome distractions, and live an inspired life.

Conclusion: Bring the Right Knowledge to Your Intellect
In conclusion, the science of motivation boils down to keeping the right knowledge active in your intellect. Whether it’s reminding yourself of the preciousness of life, the teachings of great saints, or the guidance from your Guru, keeping that knowledge fresh will help you stay inspired. Remember, carelessness doesn’t come from the outside—it comes from within. It’s up to us to maintain that intense aspiration and make the most of this incredible opportunity we’ve been given.

If you wish to receive more inspiration on how to live a purposeful and fulfilling life, subscribe to Swami Mukundananda’s YouTube channel. There, you will find a wealth of wisdom, spiritual teachings, and practical guidance to help you stay motivated and aligned with your life’s higher purpose. Don't miss out on the chance to transform your life—one inspiring video at a time!