Hanuman ji's 3 Rules to Overcome Any Obstacle in Life: Lessons from the Ultimate Devotee

Tuesdays hold a special significance for Hindus as many worship Hanuman, the embodiment of strength, devotion, and humility. Devotees flock to temples, recite the Hanuman Chalisa, and offer prayers to invoke his blessings. This weekly ritual is believed to infuse devotees with their beloved Hanuman ji's virtues, helping them face life's challenges with renewed vigor and faith.  Hanuman, an ardent devotee of Shree Ram, symbolizes perseverance and devotion, and is believed to bless devotees with the ability to overcome challenges.

What better day to explore Hanuman ji's three timeless principles to conquer obstacles than today, a Tuesday? Whether you're facing personal struggles, professional hurdles, or spiritual blocks, the lessons Hanuman ji imparts are as relevant now as they were in ancient times. These timeless teachings, derived from the epic tales of the Ramayan, offer not just spiritual guidance but practical life lessons that resonate with people from all walks of life.

In this blog, inspired by Swami Mukundananda ji's teachings, we will explore three powerful rules that Hanuman ji lived by—rules that you too can incorporate to navigate life's toughest obstacles.

Rule 1: Stay Focused on Your Mission

Learn the power of focus from Hanuman

One of the most remarkable qualities of Hanuman ji is his unwavering focus on his mission. In the epic Ramayan, Hanuman ji was tasked with finding Mother Sita and delivering Shree Ram’s message. This wasn’t an easy task. Along the way, Hanuman ji faced numerous obstacles, from demonic forces to deceptive distractions. But no matter the hurdle, he remained focused on his mission. His unwavering concentration on serving Shree Ram guided his every action, ensuring success in his endeavors.

Hanuman ji’s journey to Lanka is a testament to his focus. While flying across the ocean, he was met with distractions. One such distraction was the golden mountain, Maina Parvat, which offered him rest. Hanuman ji knew that his mission was of greater importance than personal comfort. He respectfully touched the mountain and continued without delay, keeping his focus on the goal of finding Mother Sita. This demonstrates that in life, it’s easy to be tempted by distractions, be they material, emotional, or intellectual. The lesson here is to remain undistracted by temporary indulgences and stay committed to your larger purpose.

Applying this rule in your life:

1.     Prioritize your mission: When faced with a major challenge or working towards an important goal, learn to minimize distractions – even well-meaning ones. Keep your eyes on the prize.

2.     Show respect but stay focused: Acknowledge the support and good intentions of others, but don't let them derail you from your path. Maintain relationships without compromising your objectives.

3.     Practice humble confidence: Believe in your ability to overcome obstacles and approach them with humility. Arrogance can blind you to potential pitfalls or valuable assistance along the way.

4.     Embrace discomfort: Like Hanuman ji, choose to press on and be willing to push through discomfort to achieve your goals. Growth often lies just beyond your comfort zone.

By embodying this balance of determination and humility, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate life's hurdles while maintaining positive relationships and an open mind.

Rule 2: Use Intellect and Strategy to Navigate Obstacles

Hanuman teaches us to use our intellect

Not every obstacle can be tackled with brute force. Often, the greatest challenges in life require intellect and patience—qualities that Hanuman ji exhibited in abundance.

During his journey, Hanuman ji encountered Surasa, a serpent who demanded that he enter her mouth. Instead of reacting aggressively, Hanuman ji used his intellect. He grew larger, forcing Surasa to open her mouth wider. Just when she thought she had the upper hand, Hanuman shrunk down to a minuscule size and slipped through her mouth, fulfilling her demand without allowing himself to be devoured. This cleverness allowed him to continue his mission without unnecessary conflict.

Similarly, in life, not every obstacle can be overcome with force or sheer willpower. Sometimes, it’s better to take a step back, evaluate the situation, and use your intellect to find an innovative solution. Hanuman ji teaches us that using our minds wisely can often be more effective than relying solely on physical strength or emotional responses.

Applying this rule in your life:

1.     Analyze the obstacle: Before reacting, take a step back and assess the situation. What's the true nature of the challenge you're facing?

2.     Think creatively: Don't be bound by conventional solutions. Sometimes, the most effective approach is the one nobody expects.

3.     Adapt and flex: Be willing to change your tactics as the situation evolves. Hanuman ji's ability to both grow and shrink demonstrates the power of adaptability.

4.     Stay calm under pressure: Hanuman's cool-headed thinking in the face of a terrifying opponent is key to his success. Practice maintaining composure in stressful situations.

By sharpening your intellect and approaching problems with creativity and adaptability, you'll find innovative solutions to even the most daunting challenges.

Rule 3: Embrace Humility and Serve Others

Become humble like Hanuman

Hanuman ji’s greatest virtue is his humility. Despite his immense power, Hanuman ji never boasted about his strength or capabilities. Instead, he always attributed his successes to Shree Ram. Even after he single-handedly destroyed parts of Lanka, found Mother Sita, and returned with the vital information that led to Shree Ram’s victory over Ravan, Hanuman ji remained humble and dedicated to his role as Shree Ram’s servant.

This humility is most evident when Hanuman ji offers to carry Mother Sita back to Shree Ram on his shoulders, only to be reminded that such a decision must come from Shree Ram himself. Hanuman ji humbly accepts this, understanding his place in the larger scheme of things.

In our lives, humility is a powerful tool. When we face obstacles, our ego can often get in the way, causing us to react with pride or anger. By adopting Hanuman ji’s humility, we can learn to accept help, acknowledge our limitations, and focus on serving others instead of advancing our own egos. Humility allows us to stay grounded and remember that, in the grander scheme of things, we are all instruments of a higher power.

 Applying this rule in your life:

1.     Acknowledge your limitations: Just as Hanuman ji understood that his actions were guided by Shree Ram’s will, recognize that you are not always in control. Accept that it’s okay to have limitations and to seek help when needed.

2.     Serve others selflessly: Focus on how your actions can benefit others. True humility comes from acting with the greater good in mind, just as Hanuman ji served Shree Ram without seeking personal glory.

3.      Practice gratitude: Be grateful for the opportunities you receive and acknowledge the role of others in your journey. Hanuman ji’s humility stemmed from his devotion and gratitude toward Shree Ram. Cultivate a mindset of thankfulness for all that you experience.

4.     Accept criticism gracefully: When faced with feedback or reminders, like Hanuman ji humbly accepting Mother Sita’s response, listen and learn without letting pride interfere. Humility involves being open to learning from others.

5.     Prioritize the greater mission: Keep in mind the bigger picture of life, your purpose, and the impact on others. When making decisions, always evaluate how your actions align with a higher cause or your values.

The Spiritual Significance of Hanuman ji’s Lessons

Hanuman ji’s devotion to Shree Ram is central to his character. He wasn’t driven by personal gain or fame but by pure devotion and a desire to serve. This sense of selflessness is a crucial takeaway for anyone seeking spiritual growth. Obstacles in life often arise when we are too focused on personal desires and ego-driven goals. By shifting our perspective to one of service and devotion, we find that many of life’s challenges become less daunting.

Whether you are religious or not, the underlying message of Hanuman ji’s life—serving a higher purpose—resonates with us all. By aligning our actions with a greater good, we can transcend obstacles and find deeper meaning in our struggles.

Conclusion: Embracing the Spirit of Hanuman

As we conclude our exploration of Hanuman ji's wisdom, take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey of growth and transformation that lies ahead. By embracing humility, harnessing your intellect, and knowing when to stand firm, you're equipping yourself with timeless tools to navigate life's most challenging moments.

Remember, just as Hanuman ji's devotion to Shree Ram fueled his extraordinary feats, your commitment to personal growth and serving a higher purpose will propel you forward. Whether you're facing a professional setback, a personal struggle, or simply the day-to-day hurdles of modern life, Hanuman ji's three rules offer a roadmap to becoming truly unstoppable.

So, as the sun sets on this Tuesday, carry the spirit of Hanuman ji with you. Approach each obstacle not as a roadblock, but as an opportunity to apply these powerful principles. With practice and perseverance, you'll find yourself leaping over life's challenges with the grace, wisdom, and strength of the mighty Hanuman ji himself.

Call to Action

To deepen your faith and understanding of these teachings, explore the wisdom shared by Swami Mukundananda on his YouTube channel, where he shares motivational and devotional insights. 


Hanumanji's 3 Rules To Overcome Any Obstacle in Life - Swami Mukundananda

Ramayan: The Immortal Story of Duty and Devotion - Swami Mukundananda