Grace of God Part -3

There are many forms of grace, but three of them are considered to be of great significance:

  1. attaining a human birth,
  2. having a desire for God-realization,
  3. and meeting a true saint.

3. Meeting a true saint

The last grace is beyond both these graces, and is said to be millions of times greater than any other grace. And that is, meeting with a real Saint – someone who has theoretical knowledge of the scriptures, as well as practical experience of God. The opportunity to meet a true Saint is very rare.

And it is even more difficult to have faith in a Saint. Understanding the divine knowledge from the Saint is even more difficult. After this, there is no further grace to be had from God or Guru.

We have attained everything there is to attain – the human form, birth in India, association with a Saint, faith in the Saint, and knowledge of what to do. If we still do not practice sadhana and attain God, then the human life will be a great loss.

We humans come up with many lame excuses. “Oh, my time to practice devotion has not yet come. When the time arrives, I will do it.” Another says, “When God inspires me from within, it will happen naturally.” Someone says, “It is not in my destiny to practice devotion.” These excuses are preventing us from going towards God.

This is why the devotee says, “O Lord! You gave me everything, but I procrastinated.” We kept on saying, “I will do it; I will do it,” and saying this, we breathed our last. We must no longer procrastinate. We must put our plan into immediate action and begin our sadhana, or devotion at the earliest.

It is of prime importance that we realize these three important graces of God and follow our Guru’s instructions to reach our goal.