Grace of God Part-2

There are many forms of grace, but three of them are considered to be of great significance:

  1. attaining a human birth,
  2. having a desire for God-realization,
  3. and meeting a true saint.

2. Having a desire for God-realization

The second grace is that we have a desire for God-realization. We souls receive a
human form with the grace of God. This is the only form of life where a soul can practice devotion and attain God. To be able to practice devotion, we need the grace of God. This grace comes in the form of ‘desire for God-realization’.

If we have the hunger to meet God, only then will we try to attain Him. Only a few deserving souls have got this hunger by the grace of God. We can see all around us, there are nearly seven billions humans. How many of us have the real desire to meet God?

Most of us are busy with our daily lives. We may have even heard to the teachings of a great Saint, dispelling all our doubts. Yet, if we do not have the desire to progress on the path of devotion, the human form of life will be a waste. Hence, we have to realize the grace of God and try to develop the desire to meet Him.

We must understand that true happiness is not in this world, but in God alone. This will help increase our desire to meet Him. God will surely notice our efforts and grace us such that the desire increases. And this will lead us to the third grace, which is meeting a true Saint.