In our journey through life, we all pursue something—a dream, a goal, or an achievement. Whether it is wealth, power, knowledge, or relationships, every human being is driven by some aspiration. But have you ever paused to ask yourself: What is the ultimate purpose behind all these pursuits?

If we look deeper, we find that at the core of all our desires is one fundamental objective—happiness. Every decision we make, whether consciously or unconsciously, is an attempt to move toward greater joy and satisfaction.

However, not all paths to happiness lead to lasting fulfilment. Some bring temporary pleasure but eventually leave us feeling empty and discontented. The key to true success and fulfilment is having clarity of goals—knowing what we are striving for and why it matters.

This blog will explore:
✔️ Why having clear goals is essential
✔️ How to define and stay committed to our highest goal
✔️ How spiritual wisdom can guide us toward lasting happiness
✔️ Practical steps to achieve our goals with focus and determination

The Importance of Having a Goal

One of the greatest dangers in life is not failure but succeeding at something that does not truly matter. Many people work tirelessly, achieve success, and accumulate wealth, only to realize years later that they were climbing the wrong ladder. If our efforts are not directed toward the right goal, no amount of success will bring lasting fulfilment.

The Story of Florence Chadwick: A Lesson in Perseverance

Florence Chadwick’s Journey: When the Goal is Clear in the Mind, No Obstacle Can Hold You Back.

A powerful example of why goals must be clear comes from the life of Florence Chadwick, a long-distance swimmer.

In 1952, she attempted to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast, a distance of 26 miles. However, as she swam, a thick fog settled over the ocean, making it impossible for her to see the shore. After hours of struggling, she gave up, feeling exhausted and hopeless—only to discover that she was just one mile away from her destination!

Two months later, she tried again, but this time, she mentally kept the goal in sight, even though she couldn't physically see it. As a result, she successfully completed the swim.

This story highlights a simple but profound truth—when we cannot see our goal clearly, doubt and exhaustion take over, causing us to quit too soon. But when we hold our goal firmly in our minds, no difficulty can stop us from reaching our destination.

Life operates the same way. Without a clear sense of purpose, we drift aimlessly, making choices that may not bring real satisfaction. When we define our goals with precision, every action becomes meaningful, and every step takes us closer to our ultimate purpose.

Why Do Goals Matter?

Imagine setting out on a road trip without a destination. You might drive for hours, but without a clear direction, you will waste fuel, time, and energy—possibly ending up nowhere meaningful.

Life works the same way. Without a well-defined goal, we:
✔️ Lack motivation and drive
✔️ Waste time on unimportant things
✔️ Feel lost and uncertain about our progress

But when we define a goal clearly, our actions become purposeful. Every effort moves us closer to success.

What is the Ultimate Goal?

Oscar Wilde: A Literary Genius Who Had It All, Yet Felt Empty. True Happiness Lies Not in Success, but in Purpose.

At first glance, people appear to have vastly different goals. Some chase financial success, others seek recognition, while some prioritize relationships or intellectual achievements. But at a deeper level, all human beings are searching for the same - happiness.

Regardless of nationality, religion, or background, every human being seeks joy. But did anyone teach us to desire happiness? No!

We are naturally drawn to it. A newborn baby cries for comfort. Adults seek joy in achievements, relationships, and experiences.

Yet, even after achieving material success, people often remain dissatisfied. Many billionaires, celebrities, and intellectuals reach the peak of their fields—only to realize that their happiness is temporary and incomplete.

One of the most striking examples of this is the story of Oscar Wilde, a literary genius. He attained incredible success, wealth, and fame. Yet, he admitted at the end of his life:

"Terrible as was what the world did to me, what I did to myself was far more terrible still."

This experience is common. Many individuals spend years chasing success, only to find themselves feeling empty and disillusioned. This happens when happiness is sought in temporary sources. When goals are not aligned with a deeper purpose, they lose their meaning over time.

The fundamental mistake people make is believing that happiness comes from external things. But true and lasting happiness does not depend on wealth, power, or recognition. It is an inner state that arises when we align our goals with something permanent and unchanging.

The Mistaken Paths to Happiness

People pursue happiness in different ways, but not all paths lead to true bliss:

  1. Tamasic (mode of ignorance): Seeking happiness through intoxication, laziness, or indulgence. This often leads to suffering and regret.
  2. Rajasic (mode of passion): Seeking happiness through material success and sensual pleasure. This happiness is temporary and often leaves people wanting more.
  3. Sattvic (mode of goodness): Pursuing knowledge, self-discipline, and service. This brings inner peace, but still, it is not the ultimate goal.

So, where does true, eternal happiness come from?

The Highest Goal: Attaining Divine Bliss

Bhakti: The Simplest Path to Attaining Divine Bliss Through Loving Devotion to God.

Every human pursuit—whether wealth, relationships, power, or knowledge—is ultimately driven by the desire for happiness. People chase different things, believing they will bring fulfillment, but often, they fail to recognize where true and lasting happiness comes from.

From childhood, we naturally seek joy. A baby cries for comfort, a child plays for fun, and an adult works hard for success, believing these will bring happiness. As we grow, our quest takes different forms—some pursue love and relationships, others chase career achievements or wealth.

Yet, history and personal experiences show that external success does not guarantee fulfilment. Many individuals who attain great wealth, fame, or influence still feel empty inside. This happens because happiness is not an external achievement, but an internal state.

The Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad reveals a profound truth:

"No husband, wife, father, or son loves another person for the sake of that person’s happiness. Everyone loves for their own happiness."

This means that all relationships and ambitions are ultimately motivated by personal joy. Even in selfless acts, the underlying reason is our own sense of fulfilment. A parent sacrifices for their child because their child’s happiness brings them joy. A person works hard because career success gives them satisfaction.

This realization shifts our perspective—we do not truly seek wealth, relationships, or status for their own sake, but for the happiness we believe they will provide.

The problem with external happiness is that it is temporary and unreliable.

  • Wealth can be lost, and financial success often brings stress rather than peace.
  • Fame and recognition are unstable, as public opinion constantly changes.
  • Relationships, while beautiful, can also bring challenges and disappointments.

Since these sources of happiness are dependent on external factors, they are fragile. The moment they are lost or fail to meet expectations, people feel unfulfilled.

If external happiness is fleeting, where can one find true and eternal joy? The answer lies in spiritual fulfilment.

The highest form of happiness is Sat-Chit-Ananda—eternal existence, pure consciousness, and divine bliss. Unlike material joys that fluctuate, spiritual bliss is constant and unshakable. It arises when we connect with our true spiritual nature and experience inner peace beyond worldly pleasures.

The highest goal of human life is to attain this state of divine bliss. The simplest way to attain it is through Bhakti, loving devotion to God. The bliss derived from Bhakti is permanent and unchanging—our spiritual essence.

By shifting our focus inward, we free ourselves from the ups and downs of life and experience a deeper, lasting happiness—the very thing we were searching for all along.

How to Achieve Our Highest Goal?

King Janaka’s Test: True Detachment Comes from Unwavering Focus on the Ultimate Goal, Not the Luxuries That Surround Us

 The path to achieving our highest goal requires unwavering focus and the ability to remain undistracted, even when surrounded by temptations or material success. One of the most profound examples of how to stay focused on a higher spiritual goal, despite the distractions of the world, is the story of King Janak and the two scholars.

King Janak, despite being a powerful and wealthy ruler, was known for his deep spiritual wisdom and detachment from worldly pleasures. Two scholars, curious about how he remained unaffected by the luxuries around him, approached him and asked, “How do you stay so focused on your spiritual goal while living amidst such wealth and power?”

Instead of answering directly, Janak decided to teach them through experience. He sentenced them to death but granted them one last night to enjoy the palace’s luxuries. They were allowed to indulge in the finest food, music, and comforts. The next morning, he offered them a chance to be spared—if they could carry a cup filled with oil through the palace without spilling a single drop.

As they carefully walked through the palace, they remained so focused on keeping the oil steady that they ignored all the distractions around them. When they returned, Janak asked, “Did you enjoy the grand feast? Did you admire the beauty of the palace?” They replied, “No, we were only thinking about the oil.”

Janak then explained, “Just as you remained focused on the oil, I remain focused on my spiritual goal despite being surrounded by wealth and material pleasures.”

This story teaches that success in any pursuit, especially spiritual growth, requires unwavering focus. The world will always be full of distractions, but if we remain committed to our ultimate goal, we will stay on the right path, just as King Janak did.

Join "Morning Gems with Swamiji" – A Path to Daily Inspiration

To stay committed to our highest goal, we need daily wisdom and inspiration.

Join "Morning Gems with Swamiji" - JKYog Online Class for Daily Inspiration and Holistic Health!
📅 Every weekday (Mon-Fri) at 7:30 AM CDT (7 PM IST)
💡 Daily wisdom, guided meditation, and spiritual clarity
🎤 Special Youth Presentation this Friday, February 28th, on "Clarity of Goals"
📍 Join Free via Zoom:

Let’s start our day with clarity, focus, and inspiration! 🚀

 This blog is inspired by the insightful presentation delivered by the Morning Gems Youth during the Morning Gems with Swamiji class. Their session provided a deep exploration of the importance of setting clear goals and aligning them with a higher purpose. Through thought-provoking discussions and meaningful reflections, they shared valuable wisdom that forms the foundation of this blog.

For those who missed the live session or wish to revisit their presentation, you can watch the recorded video below:


May these learnings guide us all in staying focused on our true aspirations and progressing toward our highest goals!