A great God-realized saint once explained the most challenging of questions with such consummate ease, that it seems rather unreal at first glance. But the truth is astounding and yet so easy and crystal clear.

So, what is that difficult question?

Explain the relationship between the body, the senses, the mind, the intellect and the soul.

The saints says,

“The body is like a chariot. It has arms, legs and a few organs thrown in for good measure, just like the strong body of a chariot has wheels and a weapons bay.

The 5 senses are like the horses. Wherever the horses run, the chariot goes that way. Similarly, whatever the senses perceive, the body reacts to it.”

The horses can run amok if given a free hand. Disaster is imminent. In the same way, if the senses are gives total freedom, it will lead the body to no man’s land. The horses are controlled by reigns. If they run wild, they are reigned in with the ropes.

Similarly, the senses are controlled by the mind. It is the mind that wishes to see, hear, feel, touch and taste. If the mind decides against looking at an object or eating that very sweet candy, the sense organs cannot do anything but obey the command of the mind.

For ex., if you are already full in your stomach and somebody puts your favourite meal in front of you. What will be your reaction? will you devour it? more likely not. Even if you do, regurgitation is imminent.

What if the reigns are not held tight? the horses will still run wild. The charioteer is the one controls the reigns. If he is skilled and powerful, the reigns will be tight and he will lead the horses in the right direction. The chariot will automatically go on the right path.

In exactly the same way, a superior intellect controls the mind. Even if the mind runs astray, a well developed intellect will instruct the mind about the harmful effects of letting the senses go wild and prevent the mind from thinking in the wrong direction.

We have the chariot, the horses, the reigns and a suave charioteer but we are missing something. It is the all important passenger on the chariot. He does not do perform any action and is nothing but a passenger. He is at the mercy of the charioteer. Wherever the chariot goes, the passenger has to go.

So, we have a body (Chariot), the 5 senses (Horses), the mind (Reigns) and the intellect (Charioteer). What about the Soul?

The Soul is the passenger at the mercy of the charioteer (the intellect). The Soul does not perform any action but is the actual benefactor of the thoughts and actions collectively performed by the intellect, mind and the senses.

The purpose of existence (human body) is to reach its final destination, God. If the chariot (body) goes the wrong way, the passenger (Soul) will reach the wrong destination and will have to suffer.

On the other hand, if a body driven by the senses is controlled by a strong mind, which in turn is governed by a superior intellect, then the Soul can reach its destiny.

This insight shows us that the mind is of foremost importance to us if we have steer our chariot of life towards the path of peace, happiness and joy. We have to make the choice, through the mind and its governor, the intellect about where is true happiness and joy.

Thus, the Soul is but a silent passenger on the Chariot to eternal life.