Never forget that the key to happiness and peace in your life is not that you never get angry, upset, dejected, or frustrated. It's how impromptu you long for becoming away from it. If you wait to be happy and peaceful idly, you'll wait forever. If you begin to be happy, you'll be happy forever. So it is very necessary to keep in your mind that happiness and peace are matters of habit. So would you like to cultivate it via Yog in order to keep bodily, mental, and spiritual hazards at bay?

It is true that success in your life needs both—a healthy and strong body, and a pure and calm mind. For this, combination of both material and spiritual knowledge is a must. Your body is made from five basic matters—fire, air, sky, earth, and water, and so it has to be kept in good condition with the utility of material science. Similarly, your mind has to be purified and uplifted with the help of spiritual science. If you learn to handle both these areas of knowledge, you will surely attain success in your life.

So as to get the above-mentioned goals, there are five ancient scientific techniques that assist you to attain physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual well-being. These five disciplines are as follows:

1. Yogasans: These are physical poses and exercises practiced along with the breathing awareness.

2. Pranayams: These are breathing exercises performed with the remembrance of the sacred Names of your favorite God.

3. Inner Body Relaxation: This is a transcendental technique for rooting out your tension, anxiety, and stress from both the body and the mind in order to feel a state of complete relaxation.

4. Meditation: This is a spiritual science of meditation on the all-attractive Divine forms of God, His Glory, His Abode, His Grace, Noble Thoughts, Nature, etc.

5. Healthy Diet: It is the science of knowing the several impacts of various diets on your body and mind. It also emphasizes on taking healthy and natural diet to have a sattvic (simple and pure) nature, as per the famous dictum: “You are what you eat.”

The above five techniques always go for the complete approach of nourishing the body, mind, and soul for attaining perfection in life.