If we take an example from life, we see the highest example of worldly love between a mother and a child. Think of a mother with her helpless infant. She is so filled with love for the child that there is no place inside her for anger. The infant may grab hold of the mother’s hair, beat the mother with his or her fists, and soil the mother’s clothes. The mother is filled with such love for the child that she can tolerate his or her behaviour with understanding and compassion.
Mother’s Day is a celebration of the bond of love and affection between a mother and a child and it celebrates the spirit of motherhood.

Mother's Day began in the year 1908 when Anna Jarvis organized a memorial for her mother, Ann Jarvis, a peace activist who used to care the wounded soldiers of the American Civil War. The event was held at the St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, which currently holds the International Mother's Day Shrine. Anna Jarvis began the task of getting support for the celebration of Mother's Day in the United States in 1905 after her mother died the same year. She wanted to honor all the mothers of the world who have done a lot for their family and society.

Due to her continuous efforts, most of the US states by 1911 started celebrating Mother's Day as a local holiday and West Virginia, the home state of Jarvis became the first state to declare the holiday for the occasion in the year 1910. Finally, the second Sunday of May was officially designated as Mother's Day in the USA and was declared as a national holiday after Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States of America signed the proclamation in the year 1914. In this way, the present Mother's Day came into existence in the USA and the same date is also selected by countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Italy, Singapore, Belgium, and a lot more other countries.

The relation between a mother and a child is a sacred one and full of unconditional love. We were reminded that without our mothers we would not be here. They sacrificed themselves to help us enter this world, yet, as we grow up, many forget. This day is a reminder to be grateful to our mothers for what they did to bring us into the world.

Bringing up a child through giving birth, and helping him or her growing up into an adult is considered to be the essence of motherhood. It is a challenge in itself, as she has to go through countless hardships in the process. Mother’s Day is an occasion where the child and society remembers and acknowledge the essence and the effort that goes into giving birth and rearing a new life. This is a special day for children as well as the mothers and they get an opportunity to relish the everlasting bond of love and affection between them.

In earlier times, scientists used to believe that the solar system revolved around the earth. However, later they came to know that the solar system revolves around the sun. Similarly, we think that all creation revolves around us. Little do we realize that we are players in the giant drama of God. This creation is the Lord’s play, and we are bit players. We may think we are separate from God, but we are a creation made by God and are playing our roles. We are all a part of God.

The deeper meaning of Mother’s Day is to not only honor our mothers for giving us life physically, but also to honor our true eternal Parent, Radha Krishna, who gave us life at all levels: physically, intellectually, and spiritually. When we remember our mothers, we should always remember Our Divine mother Radha Rani.

The scriptures praise Her magnificence as the divine mother of the entire universe and the one who mercifully engages and escorts all the living beings in the loving dedication service to Lord Sri Krishna.
She is considered as the Supreme shakti of Lord Krishna. Just like the sun and sunlight cannot be separated, Krishna and Radha, both are inseparable. For expanding bliss and love, they decided to get separated.

Srimati Radharani is the mother of the universe. The spiritual mother of all souls. There are so many universes and in every universe, there is a mother of the universe. Radharani is the original mother. When we pray to Radharani we must be praying that I am spirit soul and she is my mother    And the concept of mother is the most sacred symbol - that of purity, selflessness, caring, sharing, nurturing, and love.

In Chaitanya Caritamrta Radhaji is described as   “parama-devata, the supreme goddess, and She is worshipable for everyone. She is the protector of all, and She is the mother of the entire universe.”

In Mahamantra when we chant Hare means Radharani. It is a plaintive desperate cry for the mother. 'Radharani! Please wake us up from this nightmare of mortal life! Remind us of the father we have forgotten and take us home!'" Radharani is the original mother.

Srimati Radharani is the guardian, the mentor, and the benefactor of all aspiring devotees. When a soul starts to inquire about Krishna, Srimati Radharani is most pleased and takes charge of his devotional advancements. As one makes progress, one continues to invoke the mercy of Srimati Radharani and when She is pleased, Krishna is automatically pleased.

Radha Rani is the quintessence of selfless devotion to Shree Krishna. She bound Shree Krishna with Her pure and illuminating, selfless love.  Vedas proclaim that it is this kind of noble, self-sacrificing love and devotion that enslaves Shree Krishna:

Shree Radha Krishna are not two separate entities, they both are ONE. From time immemorial, our benevolent Supreme Lord has sent saints to the earth to guide us and instill wisdom.  Swami Mukundananda ji says that Radharani is “ the Mother of the universe, who bestows divine grace and grants the transcendental knowledge by which the soul can know God.    We turned our back on Him, but she lovingly paved a path that takes us back to Him.  Unless we become the child at the Radha Rani’s knees, we will not be able to experience Shree Krishna’s love.  Devotion towards her gives us the complete realization of God. “

People often refer to the ‘grace’ of God or the ‘mercy’ of God. Srimati Radharani is that very ‘Grace’ and ‘Mercy’ of God.  She is the embodiment of His limitless compassion and love.

In (Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 13.150) Sri Krishna says “'All the inhabitants of Vrindavana-dhama—My mother, father, cowherd boyfriends and everything else—are like My life and soul. And among all the inhabitants of Vrindavana, the gopis are My very life and soul. Among the gopis, You, Srimati Radharani, are the chief. Therefore You are the very life of My life.' "

It is also described that the potency of love of God is called hladini, the Lord’s bliss potency. Lord exhibits His own spiritual potency known as hladini. And the essence of that love is in the emotion called bhava. The ultimate development of that emotion is mahabhava, or great bhava. Mahabhava is full of bliss, and it is an exhibition of the highest love for Lord Krishna. Sri Radharani is the embodiment of that transcendental consciousness found in mahabhava. Her mind, senses, and body are steeped in that highest sort of love for Krishna. She is as spiritual as the Lord Himself. In fact, being the personification of the hladini-shakti, the bliss-giving energy of the Lord, She is the only source of enjoyment for the Lord. This bliss potency manifests spiritually as Radharani in a way that attracts even Lord Krishna. He takes no pleasure in anything material. The Lord could never enjoy anything that is less spiritual than Himself. Therefore Radha and Krishna are identical.

Being the Lord’s hladini feature, She is also the ultimate source of all happiness for all the living beings. In other words, everything that gives pleasure and happiness within the spiritual or the material worlds is because of Her and the energy that emanates from Her. (Cc.Adi-lila.4.68-72)

That same bliss potency expands and spreads throughout the spiritual worlds, and then descends into the material creation into the many forms of happiness that is experienced by the conditioned soul, though it may be called by different names and perceived in assorted ways. Since we are all parts and parcels of the Lord, we also have that bliss potency within us to a minute degree. But we are trying to enjoy it in the material world. Therefore we are like sparks that are dying out because we have left our place which is in the blazing fire of Lord Krishna’s association.

Just like Sri Krishna is the fountainhead of all forms of incarnations, in the same way, Srimati Radharani is the fountainhead of all forms of goddesses like - Laksmi, Rukmini, Satyabhama, etc.

Every breath of Srimati Radharani is offered to Krishna's service, to give Him bliss.

Love in the material world is taken for granted nowadays. "I love you" is the most commonly (mis)used words in our world. The emotion that we see around us and misunderstand it to be Love is actually Lust.

True love means there is no self-interest, that one works only and only for the satisfaction of Lord Krishna. Since Radharani is Krishna's internal potency, Her objective is to give pleasure to Krishna. From time immemorial She has been serving Krishna with devotion to please Him.

Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami has beautifully explained the difference between Lust and Love in Sri Caitanya - Caritamrita, Adi Lila, 4.165

ātmendriya-prīti-vāñchā — tāre bali ‘kāma’
krsnendriya-prīti-icchā dhare ‘prema’ nāma

The desire to gratify one’s own senses is kāma [lust], but the desire to please the senses of Lord Krishna is Prema [love].

There is a story in the Padma Purana, Vrindavana Mahatmya showing how merciful & compassionate Radharani is.

Once a female jackal was drinking some water from the Radha Kund. Some children came and started beating the jackal with some sticks. The jackal hid in a nearby fox hole. The children built a fire in front of the hole to catch the jackal. Out of pain and fear, the jackal started crying. Lalita heard the cry of jackal and was shocked. How can someone in Vrindavan, land of Srimati Radharani be in distress?

She at once reached the spot and chased away the children. She then picked up the jackal and brought it in front of Srimati Radharani. Jackal was trembling with fear and pain. Seeing the pitiable condition of the jackal, Radharani was deeply hurt. Being a maha-bhagvat (pure devotee) and original mother of all living entities, She is extremely compassionate towards everyone. Srimati Radharani patted the jackal and blessed it. Immediately the jackal turned into a beautiful lady. She was then accepted by Srimati Radharani as a Sakhi and blessed with eternal service.

The jackal represents the conditioned souls like us, children represent Maya - who torments us, Lalita represents Guru who guides us towards the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani.

The goal of our life should be to develop more and more devotion to the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani. It is imperative for us to serve Radharani because Only by Her mercy, we can attain the love of Krishna.

As we celebrate Mother’s day, we must commit ourselves to reciprocate what our mother’s love on only on the occasion of mother’s day but every day. We must also thank God for he gave us this opportunity of human life. The best way to give thanks for innumerable blessings and unending love is to lead an ethical, loving life, devoting regular time to sadhana in order to advance rapidly on the inner spiritual path.

JKYOG is bringing Mother’s Day celebrations on May 10th right into your home. This is no ordinary celebration with flowers, cards, and candy, but this truly promises to be the celebration of our kindred spirit. Join us for

1. Soul Stirring Kirtans

2. Enchanting Meditation

3. Engaging Interactive Activity

4. Enlightening Discourse by Swami Mukundananda Ji

5. Special live darshan and Aarti from Radha Krishna Temple

Register by visiting Mothers Day Celebrations page of JKYog